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"Jahdai, what does your dad eat?"

"Whatever we get," he replied easily, staring at a box of Frosted Flakes in the cereal aisle, "can I have that?"

"Yeah, can you grab one for me?"

"Okay," she watched him walk towards the cereal, snatching a box off the shelf and putting it in the cart.

"Good, job! What else do you want to eat?"

"Pizza," he said with no hesitation and she just laughed, "please?"

"Sure," they walked to the frozen food section and Jahdai put his face to the glass, "what kind?"

"Chicken," he smiled up at the box that contained two of them for the price of one, "awesome."

"Awesome. Okay, is that all?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You have great manners, you know that?"

"Thank you," he helped her put the items on the conveyor belt and stood back when he was done, "Yemi?"


"Do you think daddy is getting better?"

"It's hard to tell. The medicine he gets isn't really working for him and I don't know what to do. Your dad needs help and he won't let me."

Yemi greeted the cashier and Jahdai just clung to her leg because that was how he felt safe, just because she was here and telling him sorta like it is instead of being like Zayn and lying to his face. Jahdai knew better than that.

"What's wrong?" she asked while they were walking to the truck. Yemi popped the trunk open and started unloading the cart.

"I don't want my daddy to die, Yemi."

"Oh God," she muttered under her breath before pushing the cart in the designated place and picking the little boy up, noticing how hard he was crying and how red his eyes were already. "Jah, stop crying okay?"

"I don't want him to die," he held her close and she just sighed, leaning against he truck and rubbing his back, "he can't die like mommy."


"I don't want to lose him," he cried harder and Yemi was so confused and heartbroken. Nothing made sense.

"Talk to me, Jahdai," she opened the backseat and set him down, "what happened?"

"Mommy died when I was just two. She got into a accident and me and daddy haven't had a home since last year. He lost his job and he was really sad. I asked him if I should get a job too and he said no so we lost our house and everything is gone," he sniffled and Yemi just kissed his forehead tenderly, "don't leave us either. You're cool."

"I won't leave you, Jahdai. I promise. I just don't want your daddy to leave."


"Zayn, we have to tal -- what the hell?" Yemi stood at the doorway and found Zayn on the ground, his eyes closed and his body motionless.

She looked back to see his son playing with her puppies and crouched down next to him, checking his pulse and sighing when he was still alive. Oh. He was just sleeping.

Say. Rolled over and opened his eyes to meet hers. He frowned then sat up, his pupils small and his arms shaking.

"What happened?"

"I..." he gulped and scooted back towards the bed, "I just...I just fell and h-had a seizure--"

"What? When?"

"What time is it?"

She checked the watch on her wrist. "It's like four."

"I guess an hour ago," he schrugged and looked around the room as if he hadn't been here the whole time, "where's my baby?"

"He's in the other room," Yemi reached for his arm but he pulled away. She wasn't having that, pulling his arm to her and looking at his knuckles. "Come on."


"Come with me, Zayn," she didn't take no for an answer, so he sighed and followed her to the bathroom, "I don't know what to do about you."


"I mean," she huffed and got out the first aid kit, "I try so hard to make you understand how much this is affecting you and your son. He's crying and asking if you're going to die soon and what am I supposed to say?"

"Say no."

"I'm not lying to him," she replied sternly, cleaning his wound before applying ointment, "cocaine is a hell of a drug, man. And anything can happen with one snort or whatever."

It was quiet and Zayn still shook every now and then. The bags under his eyes had came back and his focus was off. He looked like he was about to throw up.

"Zayn," Yemi sealed his wounds and put her things away, washing her hands afterwards, "get some help."


"I'm not asking you again. I'm telling you. I got you into this place and it's really good. You'll be gone for a few months--"


"Let me finish. And we can visit you every week or so if you want. I just need you to get better, that's all."

Zayn hung his head low, wiping his tired eyes and touching the scratches on his arms.

"Please think about it," she crouched down to meet his eyes, sincerity and worry laced through them, "please?"

"Daddy, that show is on again," Jahdai's footsteps were heard and Zayn wiped his eyes again to act like he was okay. She hated it. "Hi, guys."

"Hey, what show is it?" Yemi asked while Zayn sniffed absentmindedly.

"The one with the gems. It's so good," he stepped in and touched his father's arm, "baba, what's wrong?"


"Stop that," Jahdai frowned and Yemi was afraid he was going to cry again, "don't lie to me."

"I'm just..." Zayn ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, Jah. I just...it's hard to explain."

Yemi got up and excused herself from the two, knowing Zayn was going to tell him some information he might not understand. Whether it was the fact he  as leaving him for three months or maybe his medicine wasn't actually medicine but a fix instead. Yemi didn't know, but she knew Zayn was about to lay some heavy shit on him.

She just hoped he was ready for it.


it's happeninggggggg

zayns going to rehab😬😬😬

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