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Yemi was so tired.

It was all for a good cause, though, because she only had a few hundred dollars left to pay off Zayn's rehabilitation expenses. She was really happy, mostly because she didn't have to use all her money in her savings account and business for her salon and makeup line was booming.

Yemi lied in her bed, a bonnet on her head as she watched ratchet reality TV with the lights off. Her eyes squinted as she watched, mostly because Porsha was so stupid it was hilarious.

She was also typing up extensive emails on her MacBook to ask certain stores for her makeup line to be sold in them. So far, Sephora, Ulta, and a few beauty supplies have approved of this, and she was so happy she could die. If her makeup spread over the city, it'd just get bigger and bigger and that meant more money and exposure.

Sephora, Sephora said yes.

She sent the last email to a beauty supply just around the corner from the shop, crossing her fingers and finally closing the laptop.

"Night night to me," she put the laptop down and lied back, watching the TV.


"Come in," she watched the door open and little Jahdai climb on her bed, "what are you doing still up?"

"Daddy's crying in the bathroom," he said, wiping his own eyes, "and he won't open the door. I think something's wrong with him."

"Oh no," she sat up and turned the lamp on, "stay here, okay? I'll check on him."

"Okay," he got under the covers and turned to watch the TV.

Yemi put on night shorts and walked out, cracking the door and walking down the hall barefoot. She reached the bathroom and knocked gently. "Zayn? Open the door."


"Come on, babe," her hand was on the knob, ready to open it, "Zayn, you can talk to me, you know that. Jahdai's wondering what's wrong, too. Come on."

It was silent on the other end before he opened the door and cut the light on.

"Why was the light off?" she closed the door, watching him sit in the bathtub, looking down at himself, "Zayn--"

"I just need to calm down," he said, taking a huge breath, "I'm...I'm--"

"Is it the cocaine?" she guessed.

"No, well, yes, but...have you ever felt like a failure even though life is fine? Like...I don't know," he shook his head and rubbed his already red nose.

"I mean, yeah," she moved so she was also in the bathtub, across from him and taking his hands in hers, "I dropped out of law school for that exact reason. I was a great student, but I wasn't happy and I felt like I was doing it all wrong," she looked at him and frowned, "do you not like your job--"

"No, no, I love it," he sniffled and played with her fingers, "I just wish everything didn't go like this. It really hurts knowing I can't provide for my son, or that...that I was seriously in deep shit before I met you. I just realized how many dangerous situations I've put him in and he still loves me."

Yem smiled softly, shaking her head. "He looks up to you, you know that? A child's love is unconditional, and that's mostly because they haven't developed all the knowledge about the evils of this world. Jahdai is too sweet to have left you hanging or hated you in any type of way. The memories where you're more nurturing and loving after a terrible situation are more memorable, you feel me?"


"Stop it," Yemi wiped Zayn's eyes and held his face in her hands, "he still loves you, and that's all that matters. Don't think like this, Zayn, it only sets you back more, okay?"

"Yeah," his voice was hoarse but it was honestly kinda cute, "thank you...yet again."

"No problem," they hugged for what seemed like forever until Yemi pulled away. Zayn got out of the tub and pulled her with him into another hug. She chuckled, figuring Zayn was more affectionate than he let on, but she couldn't stop the blush.

"Thank you so much, Yemi."

"Stop thanking me," she pulled away just to watch his -- wow he was gorgeous -- face, "okay? You're fine."

"Mhm," he hummed, closing his eyes and letting one last tear fall. Yemi wiped it away and kissed his pouty lip. "Yemi--"

"Sorry," she got really nervous, starting something she couldn't finish, "I missed your cheek."

Zayn didn't say anything, his cheeks turning a light pink before he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. Oh. Yemi gasped quietly before kissing back, her arms around his neck and a small smile forming as it deepened.

"Get some sleep," she muttered, patting his cheek and leaving the restroom. Yemi was so confused yet so gassed because, she just kissed this man and he kissed back so what the fuck?

Jahdai was sleeping soundly when she returned, the TV was now off -- who gave him the right? -- and he had stolen her satin pillow case.

Yemi giggled, smiling and getting in bed also. She closed her eyes and thought about just kissing Zayn and how unexpected it was. She just felt like she needed to, but she also wanted to.




that new rick ross is actually flames

and drake could have did better like...lemme stop bye

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