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"Yemi, Yemi, Yemi!" Jahdai walked into her room and sang loudly. He hopped on the bed and Yemi giggled at him.

"Yes, Jahdai?"

"When can we go see daddy?" he asked excitedly, standing up and putting his hands on his hips.

"Give me ten minutes," she winked and put her clothes away in the dresser, "I'm almost done. Did you finish your food?"


"All of it?" she asked again with a raised brow.

"Yes, I swear!" he plopped on the bed and she just laughed, putting the hamper away in the corner and looking at her face in the mirror, "what are you doing?"

"Putting makeup on."

"Can I have some?"

"Get your own, loser," he threw a pillow at her but it hit her legs, "now you have to pick it up, loser."

"You're the loser," he huffed and got down to get her pillow, "you're super duper pretty, Yemi."

"Thank you," she grinned and sprayed her face with a finishing mist before fanning herself and looking down at him.

"So sparkly, oooooh," he snorted and she just rolled her eyes, "ready?"

"One moment," she sat down and slipped shoes on, tying them up and looking at her foot, "how does this look?"

"Lame, now come on," he stood at the door and leaned his head back, "sheesh."

"Sheesh," she mocked, plucking his forehead before turning all the lights off upstairs and moving to the bottom floor, "you put your stuff in the dishwasher like I told you?"

"Yes, ma'am," he smiled and sat on the couch while she checked to see everything in order, "is daddy better today?"

"I don't know, actually. I didn't call the center yet because we're visiting anyway, huh? But they told me yesterday he was eating and stuff."

"Good," he walked to her and took her hand as they exited the house, "I hope he's better."



Yemi had never seen Zayn so happy in her life.

Like, he was smiling and laughing and actually paying attention when his son talked. His skin was back to its original color but the bags under his eyes were still prominent. He changed a lot in two weeks but Yemi knew he had a long road ahead of him and she refused to think negative thoughts.

Zayn and Jahdai were sitting at a table, talking privately and animatedly, while Yemi was standing next to Zayn's...mentor per say. His name was Spencer and he had been clean for almost six months now.

"So, how's he really doing?"

"Off and on days, I'd say. He was great yesterday and now today, because of his kid. It was crazy the first seventy two hours."

"What happened?"

"He had seizures just from panicking and anxiety, but the CAT scans showed no evidence of brain damage, thankfully. He's fine he just overthinks and worries too much."

"I figured. Has he talked everything out?"

"No, it's a process. To complete group counsels you have to talk to a counselor. Zayn only talks to me, which doesn't count. He doesn't like them as much."

"Makes sense," she nodded. Yemi used to talk to a therapist just to vent sometimes but it didn't work out for her, neither.

"So...how did he meet you exactly?" Spencer asked. Yemi looked at him and she just shrugged.

"Long story short, he was bleeding out on the sidewalk in front of my salon and his son was a crying mess. We took him to the hospital and I kept Jahdai while feeding them both and whatever. Zayn's ribs were still crazy damaged so I took them home and basically I found a program for him. He just doesn't know I paid for it. Told him it was free."

"Wow," he whistled, "most people wouldn't do that."

"I'm not most people. Apparently I'm too nice but I don't see it. I just keep it real, but I wanted to help. Literally every word that came out of his mouth was a lie to his son and I couldn't stand it."

"Cocaine is crazy."

"I'm saying."

"Yemi," she looked to Jahdai and noticed he was waving her over.

"I'll be back. Nice meeting you," they shook hands and Spencer said the same. She sat down across from Zayn and Jahdai, her brows furrowed.

"Daddy said he likes my haircut," Jahdai grinned while Zayn just bit his lip, "and I said you did it."

"You did?" Zayn asked.

"I did," she replied easily. "I own a salon and everything if you want proof."

"I like it," he ruffled Jahdai's short hair and smiled, "thank you, Yemi."

"It's just a haircut, Zayn."

"No, for taking care of this termite while I'm away. He's a mess without me."

"Psych," Jahdai rolled his eyes and giggled, "when you coming back?"

"Hopefully in a few months. I'm trying, man. For you."

"Try for yourself," Jahdai mumbled but he was honestly right. Zayn needed to work on himself before he could help others. It was the only way to stay happy.

"Thanks," Zayn rested his chin on his son's head and Yemi just smiled. So cute. "Are you behaving yourself?"



"Kidding!" he grinned and hugged Zayn's neck, "I'm good. Are you behaving?"


"Sucks," Zayn chuckled deeply and Yemi just put her chin on her hand, admiring how happy they both were right now.

"Zayn you have a group meeting in ten minutes," Spencer whispered in his ear before walking off. Zayn grimaced and Jahdai frowned in confusion.

"What's that?"

"Just to talk about stuff," he looked so sad all of a sudden and Yemi knew he was probably going to cry after this. He seriously missed Jahdai and she hoped he wasn't going to slip and slower his process at becoming healthier again. "I gotta go, okay?"

"Okay," Jahdai sniffled and was about to cry before Zayn shushed and hugged him tighter, "don't leave me."

"It's just for a while, you'll see me in a few weeks, okay?"

"Okay," they hugged for a little longer before all three of them got up, heading to the doorway and standing right beside it. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, man," Zayn pursed his lips and hugged his son again, "be good and stay out of trouble, okay?"

"Okay, daddy," Jahdai moved to sit and sulk.

Zayn looked at Yemi and smiled. "Thank you, Yemi. Seriously. I wish I could do something for you but I really can't and it bothers me--"

"You don't have to thank me," she politely cut in and hugged him tight, "just get better so you can come home and provide for him."

They pulled away and Zayn frowned. "Is he really a mess after I see him?"

"He is, sad to say. But I got it, don't worry."

"Thank you."



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