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"Are you fucking crazy?"

It had been a few days since Yemi told Zayn what he was gonna do after he got out. Today, he was being released from the hospital and anyone could tell he was more than happy.

"What?" Yemi shrugged and continued to eat her Chinese food, "it's just until he gets better. And It's way too cold for them now."

Nadiely crossed her arms and frowned. "Girl, what the hell? You can't just accept a total stranger into your house."

"What do I have to lose?"

"All your stuff?" she replied incredulously.

"It's just until he gets on his feet. I could possibly help him get a job and everything. Maybe, he'd get one then get his own place someday, did you think about that?"

"I just, Yemi," Nadiely sighed and crossed her end, "be careful then." She only gave up because although Yemi was nice and caring, she oftentimes had a one track mind and no one could tell her any different than what she believed in.

"I promise. You know how I am--"

"Too nice, that's what."

"So what? Thanks for supporting me."

"Yeah yeah. Call me if you need anything."


"Hi, guys," Yemi greeted Zayn and Jahdai as she walked in.

"Hi, Yemi!" Jahdai greeted happily, "daddy gets to leave today."

"I know, I heard." she smiled at him.

Zayn was sitting on the bed, looking down at the floor as his socked feet hung from the bed. He looked a lot better today, the color was back on his skin and his eyes weren't as deep set and dark as they were a few days ago. His ribs, on the other hand, needed more work, but he was homeless, so...they were basically kicking him out early.

"How are you?" Yemi sat beside him but not too close, giving him space.

"I'm fine, I guess," he muttered quietly, "I just feel weak still."

"Well, that's why you're coming with me until you get better!" she cheered and he tried to refrain from rolling his eyes, "sassy. Come on, I don't know what you wear but I got you something to leave with."


"Just some clothes," Yemi set the bag down on the bed, "a shirt and some pants. Hope they fit, actually. And guys wear boxers, don't they? So there."

"Thanks," he held the clothes in his skinny arms and made a pointed look at her.

"Oh," she was glad he didn't notice her blush from embarrassment, "I'll be right out here."

Yemi stood outside and walked towards the nurse. "Hi, did Zayn sign the discharge papers yet?"

"Yes, ma'am, he did. And no one has to pay except the tax payers, of course. He just needs plenty of rest right now, and..." she beckoned her closer and whispered, "we've found signs of drug abuse, specifically to cocaine. He twitches every now and then and there's a few scars on his arms from scratching. Sometimes he loses focus and he's very very depressed. I just want to forewarn you."

What the--

"Thank you," Yemi sighed, "I figured, though. He's staying still but always moving, if that makes sense."


"Thank you so much."

"It's not problem. You take care now," she walked away and Yemi leaned against her wall, wondering how in the hell she was going to help this man get through everything.


"And this is where you're sleeping," Yemi grunted and put his backpack at the foot of the bed, "I sort of just moved in so I'll move this stuff later. But here you go!"

"Thank you," he sat down on the bed and took a deep breath. His eye twitched every now and then and Yemi looked away.

"And I'm making dinner tonight, any suggestions?"

"Something edible, that's all," he half smiled and so did she, "I'm just hungry."

"No problem, then. Jahdai, any requests?"

"Uh," he sat on the floor and thought about it, "chicken."

"Great choice," she grinned at him and walked out. Her dog, Bafra, was lying on the rug, her belly up as she walked in. She was a seven month old Welsh Corgi, super small and too funny. "Hi, girl! Where's your brother?"

Of course, the dog didn't answer and Yemi just rubbed her belly before walking into the kitchen and washing her hands and figuring out what to eat.

"Chicken...chicken...chicken..." she kept repeating the word on her lips before she just decided to fry it and have leftover collard greens from yesterday on the side.

"Yemi?" Jahdai walked in and looked over in the small pot, "why there leaves in here?"

"These are greens, Jahdai. They're really good."

"If you say so," he shrugged indifferently then ran over to Bafra, who was honestly just happy someone was paying attention to her, "puppy!"

Yemi just smiled then heard Zayn shuffle in and sit at the stool. He didn't move much due to his torso but he at least tried.

"You want any pain reliever or something, Zayn?"

"Not now," he spoke hoarsely, scratching his neck and looking away, "I'm fine."

"Well, just speak up if you feel any different, okay?" and she really hoped he was trying not to do any drug while here because she didn't know what to do at all. He was addicted.

"Okay," he kept fiddling with the pendant around his neck, "I uh, I...wait, I forgot, I just...I just, uh--"

"Calm down, man," she chuckled and watched the greens warm up, "it's okay, baby steps."

"Oh," he looked down and sniffed, his leg jumping every now and then.

"Look, I know...I know you have--"

"Don't say it, please," he held his skinny hand up and closed his eyes, "I know. I know I have a drug problem and I've been clean for a few months but it's--"

"Okay, okay--"

"I'm trying for my kid but it's just right there and--"


"One line does the trick but I can't do it," he pulled at his hair and clenched his teeth, "I can't do it, I can't do it--"

"Zayn," she stopped stirring the greens and stood in front of him, pulling his hands away, "it's going to be fine. I got you. Why don't I put you in a rehab--"

"No, no!" he whispered and winced because he tried to get up but couldn't, "I can't leave Jahdai out here and you're not going to take care of him. I won't let it happen and you're not paying for anything else, Yemi. Don't waste your money."

"It's not a waste if I'm trying to help someone stay alive."



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