Chapter 21

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Haley POV:

" hales your brother is here." I heard jay call up the stairs. I walked downstairs with just a sweatshirt on.
" geez hales can't you put some clothes on?" Kelly asked
" Kelly you're at my doorstep at 8 am what can I do for you."
" you can put some clothes on."
" besides that."
" I need you to talk to Erin and..." I cut him off
" no way Erin is your fiancée you have to talk to her. No more baby things kelly you're committing to her. What was the other thing."
" Kelsey came to my apartment last night."
My heart dropped
" what did she say."
" she asked for money. Straight up. Said she needed to help her dad out."
" and what did you say."
" I told her I couldn't that I'm engaged and I needed her out of my life."
" good. Stay at caseys for a little while. Bring Erin with you. I don't want you near the apartments til I get rid of her." I said
" hales..."
" I got it kelly, go."

At the district...

" did you tell Voight?" Jay asked. I was sitting on his desk.
" yeah he said he'd take the case. I warned kelly about this." I said
" there's only so much you can do hales and you did everything that's why I love you."
Voight started to talk and then I told the story.
" so this girl is a con artist?" Kevin asked
" we're not sure. Her dad could really need them money but last time he didn't." I said
" the girl who cried wolf." Antonio said
" either way this girl has got to go."
" so I want everything on her, she's messing with someone in our family so we're gonna take her down and take her down hard. Severide, halstead, Lindsey hit the firehouse and talk to everybody see what they know. Ruzek, Kevin go to her job, and Antonio and al see what the neighbors know about her. See everybody back here in an hour." Voight said and everyone headed out.

At the firehouse....

" hey hey hey look who it is it's the halsteads and the soon to be new severide."Herrman said
" hey guys do you know where my brother is?" I asked
" him and Matt are in the chiefs office with Boden." Gabby said
" thanks." I said and headed back there. I knocked on the door and chief waved me in.
" what can I do for you hales?" He asked
" jay and Erin are on the floor asking a few questions. I need to ask you guys some."
" yeah come on in sit down."
I sat by Boden.
" we are looking for Kelsey but Kelly we need to know where she could be. Anywhere and everywhere and I need a list." I said handing him a paper " get writing. I also need to know if any of you have had contact with her. Whether you've seen her or heard of her or actually had a conversation I need to know and I need you to write that down for me too."
" do I write it in blood or..." kelly said
" Severide..."Boden said
" it's alright chief. Kelly I am trying to help you. You want me to call off this investigation and you get a run for your money let me know, just say the words."
He didn't say anything. He just looked at me and continued writing.
" that's what I thought." I said. Jay came towards the door and knocked.
" come in jay." Boden said
" hey sorry chief, hales can I see you for a minute?"
I nodded and walked out the door " what's up?"
" antonio and al talked to the neighbors they said they haven't seen anybody come in and out of that house in a long time. They went in and the house was a mess. They found the dad. Dead. Looks like somebody got to him."
" this just went from fraud to a homicide." I said. I walked back in to his office.
" do you know if someone had it out for Kelsey's dad Kelly?"  I asked
" what are you talking about?"
" did her dad ever get into some bad beef with anybody?"
" I mean her dad was an asshole and had a run for his money sometimes but that's when he started cheating in gambling. Why?"
" her dad was found dead in the house today Kelly thats why. We're gonna need you guys to write faster and detailed." I said

Back at headquarters:

" so we have all this information but we still don't know where the girl is." Voight said
Everyone stayed quiet. " where could she be?" Voight asked. Platt came upstairs.
" you guys someone just called in a robbery in progress. Fits the description of your girl." She said and everybody got ready and rolled out.
" let me talk to her." I said
" hales..." jay said
" no she knows me maybe I can stop her before she does anything more stupid." I said and Voight gave me the go ahead.
" you come any closer and I'll shoot I promise!" Kelsey yelled I put my hands up and looked at her.
" Kelsey it's Haley. Haley severide."
" haley what are you doing here." She said
" what are you doing here? You've really stooped this low? You need money that bad that you give my brother a try and when he denies you you go break the law? What happened Kelsey?"
" they killed my dad!"
" who did Kelsey? Help us so we can help you."
" he owed money for years and he kept making deals with them promising them more money if they gave him more time. That's why I went to kelly. I didn't want to but I had to. Then they called my dad and told him his time was almost up. He called me again and said this time it was real. So I did everything I could. They got to him before I could. They said they'll finish my family off if I don't get the money by midnight."
" Kelsey where are you supposed to meet them?"
" no I need to do this myself. I need them to be done once and for all."
" Kelsey this isn't the way to do it and you know it okay? Please. Put the gun down. We can help you. Do it before it's too late."
" haley.."
" Kelsey. Put it down. Now. Your dad wouldn't want you to go through this. Not for his mistakes. Come on Kelsey do the right thing here."
She started to cry and put the gun down and the guys ran toward her.
" you have to get them off the street hales please. I'm so sorry."
" we will. It's okay Kelsey."
They put her in the squad car and drove away.
" we're gonna go get the guys that did this. You go back to headquarters." Voight said and jay and I left.

Couple hours later...

They all came upstairs.
" you got them?" Jay asked
" yepp they're in lock up." Adam said
" so is she." I said
" hey you okay kiddo?" Voight asked
" yeah just sucks when people try to get somebody they love out of a dirty situation."
" yeah well we got them now. Everybody good work today. Go home and I'll see you tomorrow."

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