A Senator's Work is Never Complete

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Padmé walked up the steps of the senate building with Threepio in tow, when her briefcase slipped out of her hand and several important papers went flying. Thankfully, Bail Organa stepped into assist his already frazzled friend.

"Thanks for the help Bail, these are necessary for the Rodia supply negotiations."

"Actually Padmé, I came looking for you to give you the update on the bill."

"What?! How could the Republic just abandon Senator Farr like that? His people are starving and don't have much longer! I promised him that I-"

"I know Padmé, but trust me we are going to fight this!"

That was twice today that Padmé had been cut off, but it didn't matter at the moment. Her and Bail continued to discuss their attack plan, when the Chancellor passed by the, before the meeting.

"Chancellor Palpatine, if you don't mind my asking, why has the Rodia Relief bill been suspended."

"Well Senator Amidala you know as well as I do that it was challenged-"

"Yes but who challenged it's?"

"You're just going to need to wait and find out in two hours during the meeting."

All though she was clearly just told off, Padmé figured that the cut eliminated one of the ones used on her, so at least there was that.

"All right Padmé, two hours isn't much so we better get started. Now I was thinking we could..."

Two hours blew past as Padmé and Bail prepared to present to all of the senators. Padmé's heart thumped loudly, she wasn't usually nervous but with so much on the line. As the senators arrived, Padmé and Bail called up the Rodia Relief Bill challenge.

"The people of Rodia are suffering greatly. Resources have almost completely diminished and they have sought help from the Republic, how could we just deny these loyal citizens food?"

Although it was never directly revealed who initially challenged the life saving bill, many rallied to their defense with accusations against Senator Farr himself,

"And what of Senator Farr hmm, I as have many others heard that he is negotiating with the separatists hmm!"

"Exactly, he is clearly not a 'loyal citizen' why should we believe that any of his people are?"

"They did choose him to represent them as a whole after all!"

"Where is he anyway? Surely he would be front and center, this is a bill to help his home after all!"

Padmé couldn't believe what she was hearing.

It can't be true! Uncle Ono would never betray the republic! The slander against his good name must just be a ploy to sabotage relief bill, that's the only sensible answer so it must be right!

Throughout the rest of the senate meeting, Padmé was far more determined to pass the bill. Her sheer extremeness surprised Bail, who could barely keep up. In the end, Padmé was exhausted and nearly fainted before the finally decision. However, in a near two to one, it was ruled that the bill be suspended for at least a few more months so that it could be extensively reviewed. Padmé and Bail left feeling as defeated as the bill's chances of being approved in time. Bail looked over to her and smiled weakly,

"At least it wasn't suspended indefinitely! We still have a chance, I suggest we-"

"That's great Bail, I'm going to inform Senator Farr of the senate's decision."

Padmé walked over to a secluded corner and phoned her colleague. A small, holographic version of Senator Farr looked visibly saddened by the news. He then perked up for a moment before addressing Padmé,
"Senator Amidala, what if you come on a mission of peace to Rodia? Maybe your findings could help speed up the process and help convince the doubters of our plight!"

Padmé was reluctant at first, but she trusted his advice many times before.

"All right, I'll tell Chancellor Palpatine your idea and see when I can arrive."

"Thank you so much, I look forward to your arrival."

Padmé had approached the Chancellor in his office alone. After a while, he finally lamented and agreed that maybe it would help the cause if they could see the devastation for themselves.

Bail met back up with Padmé as she boarded her ship with Threepio, he hugged he goodbye and wished her a safe journey.

"Don't worry, I'll be working a speech to help convince them!"

Padmé smiled as she closed the hatch and prepared for take off.

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