I'm Luke Skywalker

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The bright light blinded Padmé as she tried to open her eyes. She could just barely hear the guy calling her out to her as she felt shaking.

"Miss answer me!  Come on, wake up!"

Padmé could see the outline a of a young man staring at her from above.  The sun blocked his face in shadow, but she looked over slightly and noticed his gloved right hand.


"Who? "

The light lessened a bit, so the mysterious man's face was no longer in the dark.  Padmé looked at his blonde hair and deep blue eyes, but she immediately realized her mistake.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!  You just look like my..."

Padmé trailed off as she looked around at her surroundings closely.  The Suns reflected brightly off the golden sand blinding her further.

"Umm, did my ship crash?"

"I didn't see any ships, all I saw was you just sort of...well appearing in the sand over here. Of course it was pretty bright just before, so you might have been here longer."

Padmé panicked, he mind tried to think back.

"I was in my ship, with my droid, and...I can't remember!"

"Gee, I'm sorry I can't be of more help miss."

"I'm Padmé, or you might know me better as Senator Amidala of Naboo."

"Umm, wasn't the imperial senate disbanded a few years ago?"

Imperial senate?! What is he talking about?

"Yeah, well anyway my name's Luke Skywalker."

Padmé's eyes bulged out of her head as she choked on her spit. Luke didn't notice, he was too busy surveying the area.

"So, I'm kinda in the middle of something really important and I have to go, hey can you fight at all?"

"Well, I can use my blaster. What is it that you're doing exactly?"

"I'm rescuing some friends, wanna come? I mean, it'll be dangerous but I've got a really good plan."

Padmé sat back in the sand and thought to herself,

I just met this guy, and I still need to find my ship. But, I have to investigate his connection to Anakin further. I'm sure that he'll be happy to learn about this Luke.

"I guess I might as well, so what's this plan of yours anyway?"

"Oh it's really something, just stay behind me and follow my lead when we get to Jabba's-"

"Jabba the Hutt?"

"Of course, we are on Tatooine after all! Now like I was saying..."

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