The Walk of Questions

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The group walked through the desert back to where apparently they had left their ships.  Han was shouting at the fake guard the entire time,

"...and she better not have a single new scratch, plus she better have been refilled with premium fuel.  Because if you used regular she'll sputter and..."

"Chewbacca tell him that I didn't do any serious damage that can't just be popped back-"

"Lando I swear that when my eyesight returns I'm going to..."

Padmé let the argument fade into background noise as Luke and the two droids walked next to her,

"Hey Padmé, you haven't met these two yet.  Well this is Artoo, my Astromech.  And this is-"

"Hello my name is C3P0 human cyborg relations."

Padmé just stared at the expressionless droid before turning to Luke,

"So, how long have YOU had these droids anyway Luke?"

"Well, since I was nineteen. That was about four years ago."

Padmé stopped dead in her tracks.

But, these are Anakin's droids! Threepio was with me on the ship and Artoo was with Ani! Maybe Luke's lying, yes that's the answer that makes the most sense. He might have stolen Threepio when the ship crashed, and Artoo could be hear because Ani might have come! All right, calm down. I need to think rationally and proceed with caution as I get the information from him, but if he hurt Anakin...

"Umm, Padmé? You still there?"

Padmé returned from her thoughts to see a confused Luke waving his gloved hand in front of her face. She held back her emotions as she smiled and apologized.

"Don't worry about it, we're almost to the ships. I need to go visit a friend, so I'll have to leave you with everyone else."

Determined not to lose her only lead in the confusion, she calmly asked,

"Can I go with you please, if you don't mind."

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