Starting up the Search

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"Look," Luke attempted to comfort his distraught mother, "she's a strong girl, Leia knows how to take care of herself. Even if the bike is hers, that doesn't mean that she isn't alright."

Padmé let go of her son, attempting to wipe away the tears without him noticing,

He's so much like his father...

Padmé nodded her head,

"We could search around here," Padmé pitched.

"Wait," Luke remembered, "Artoo has scanners, and we'd probably be able to cover more ground if we went back for the others."

"Hmm," Padmé weighed the options, If we did go back, we might end up wasting more time, though Luke does have a point about the scanners...

"So?" Luke confronted his mother.

"I think we could probably use all the help we can get," Padmé took one last look around, "it really doesn't look like she's anywhere near here."

Han was understandably furious as the two rode back in,

"Hey! I didn't exactly agree to being left behind!"

"Well good," Luke shouted as he hopped off, "because we're all going back!"

Padmé approached the droids as Luke explained the situation to Han,

"Artoo," Padmé crouched down to the astromech, "we need your scanners."

Silently, the droid bypassed everyone started for the forest. Threepio turned to Padmé,

"Forgive my asking, but did something happen to R2D2? He has been awful quiet since we met back up, not that I'm complaining, I'm just worried he's always quite talkative as opposed to myself, always going on about his secret missions with Master Luke as if he was bragging, personally I don't care for the so called 'extreme' lifestyle-"

"Well Threepio," Padmé interrupted, "I understand you're concerned, but don't worry.  Leia had...a bit of a chat with Artoo on the way here, trust me it's fine."

As they rejoined the rest of the search party, it became apparent that the bike was definitely a problem.

"...I'm just saying, you already abandoned me before-"

"But that doesn't mean you get to leave me and Padmé behind!"

Chewbacca growled angrily, adding another member who refused to walk.

Alright, obviously I need to step in...

Padmé stood in between Luke, Han, and Chewbacca, taking a deep breath before calling upon her mediation powers.

"It wasn't even that far in before we reached the crash site, the main importance is to get searching, and if that means we need to walk then it's an extremely small price to pay.  In fact, walking there might even give us the advantage-"

"What advantage?!  We'll be a slow and easy target-"

"Don't interrupt me!" Padmé snapped at Han, startling everyone.  Padmé sighed, reaching her limits quickly, "We will be able to cover more area, if we speed through it's likely that we'll miss something.  AND," she glared at Han, "using a stolen bike will only draw more attention and limit any cover choices, forcing us to engage in yet another battle we can't afford to lose!  Should I continue, or do want to follow Artoo and get to searching?"  She calmly asked.  Chewbacca had backed away, joined by the equally terrified Luke.  Han, however, still seemed intent on arguing.

"Where do you get off telling me how to run my mission?  As far as I'm concerned, you're only here on a technicality," he approached Padmé, towering over her small frame, "so you best be getting off that nonexistent high horse-" Han was suddenly silenced as Padmé grabbed his outstretched accusing finger, she stared deeply into his eyes as she used all of her strength to bend it backwards, refusing to let up as he bent down to her height in pain,

"Listen," she angrily whispered, though she still kept a straight face, "I get that you're the one in charge, and I respect that, but don't think for a second that I have any intentions of letting you lead everyone into a suicide run. In the world of politics, it's what's best for the majority decided by the majority. So, let's take a vote," she let go of his finger, watching as he held back the cries of pain, "shall we?"

Backing away from her, still clutching his finger, Han scowled.

"What do we do with the bike then? We can't just leave it here, they might-"

Padmé swiftly deactivated it, asking Luke to push it into a nearby bush as it lied on the surface. Covering it with a bit more brush, Padmé looked back at the annoyed Han.

"Alright already, let's go!" He shouted bumping into Luke as he passed by.

Luke and Padmé trailed behind in the back,

"Where did you learn that?" Luke whispered

"Oh, well the negotiation tactics come from years in the senate, but the self defense was all your father. He was worried that I'd be caught without my blaster, hasn't happened yet but it's still come in handy." Padmé smiled as she noticed Han still clutching his hand.

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