Surrender Isn't Not an Option

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It was surprisingly easy to surrender, after all there were troopers everywhere on Endor. Unfortunately, none of said troopers were looking for prisoners. From the moment Luke stepped out of the brush, hands in the air and lightsaber left hidden with Padmé, it was like any other battlefield.  Blasters fired around them, while multiple Storm Troopers called for backup.  Luke dropped to the ground, attempting to dodge the poorly aimed shots.  Padmé quickly pulled him back into the brush, shoving his lightsaber into his hands while preparing her own blaster, only for Luke to shake his head.

"Mother, we can't fight back!"

Before Padmé could even ask what possessed him to believe that, Luke snatched her blaster and glanced around. 

"They won't take us if they believe we're a threat, we need to keep calm-"

Suddenly, two unmistakable helmeted figures restrained Luke, and threw him to the ground.  Padmé angrily reached towards the dropped weapons, only to be tackled herself.  Thrashing against the much larger trooper, Padmé managed to free an arm and just barely reached the lightsaber.  Unfortunately, yet another trooper joined the fray and wrestled against Padmé's death grip for the lightsaber.  She wouldn't have dared let go, had Luke not shot a small glance her way.  Sighing heavily, Padmé let the Empire win this one time and let go.  Immediately, the trooper fell backwards, raising his prize in triumph and an audible "Yes!  Finally!"

Celebrate your pity victory while you can you-

"Come on, rebels!"  Ordered the troopers as two dragged Luke back into the open, and one attempted to shove Padmé, only to receive her famous 'Do that again, and see what happens!' glare.  The trooper then shakily motioned for his colleague holding Luke's lightsaber for help, and the two gently guided Padmé over to her son.

That's what I thought, she silently scoffed before glancing over at Luke.  He seemed to be maintaining his composure alright enough, however, his breathing looked just a bit choppy.  If they hurt him-

"Listen up, rebels!"  A trooper sporting a shoulder pad shouted.

They just keep coming, don't they?  Padmé wondered as she lost count of how many they had already encountered at this point.

"We don't take prisoners in the Empire-"

Luke discreetly waved his hand at his side and mumbled something.

"-except in this case.  Get the restraints and get them ready for transport to the prison on-"

"Actually," Luke's voice smoothly commanded, accompanying his swift hand movement. "We are to be sent directly to Lord Vader."

Again, the lead trooper complied. As they were being loaded aboard a nearby shuttle, Padmé glanced back.  The lead trooper was struggling to stay upright as he slid against a tree, resting a hand on his helmet and breathing quite heavily.

Luke seems to have gone a bit overboard, I don't know much about the Force but how much power did he necessarily need to use for one Storm Trooper?

Padmé stared over at her son, as he was being strapped to a chair across from her.  Two troopers each took a seat on either side of him, while she found herself in an identical situation.  It looked as though it was going to be a rather long ride, despite being a short distance, when the trooper to her left suddenly broke the silence.

"I don't envy you, rebel," he whispered.

"What do you mean?"  Padmé asked, just as quietly.

The trooper shifted slightly, as if he wasn't expecting her to respond.  A few seconds passed before he continued the conversation, "Being sent to Lord Vader, I wouldn't want to be HIS enemy."  He shuttered, unavoidable thoughts fueled by fear crossing his mind.

"I'm sure we'll be fine."

The trooper went silent after that, though Padmé didn't mind. 

Ani wouldn't dare harm either of us, we're his family for Force sake!  Padmé looked down.  Although...I wonder why everyone seems so afraid?  Sure, he did hurt a few minor people here and there...and Leia.  Of course, he DIDN'T know she's our daughter, but he knew about Luke...

Padmé had suspected her son's gloved hand wasn't his original, after all, Anakin chooses to hide his own replaced hand the same way.  Although Luke never mentioned what happened, it wasn't that far a stretch to believe it was a lightsaber wound.  Sighing softly, Padmé suddenly felt her nerves flare.  Up until this point, she was entirely confident Anakin would just renounce the Emperor and rejoin the light...but just how was she going to get that to happen?  Surely Luke had some form of a plan, but then again why would the Force bother to send her if he had it covered? 

"Rebels, let's go!"  The Trooper to Luke's right suddenly called out, as he dragged Luke towards the door.

Padmé was grabbed by the one to her right as well, leaving the other two on the shuttle.  She caught a quick glance of the  talkative one, he was trying to maintain some kind of professional look.  However, he clearly didn't want to watch Padmé leave. 

Surprisingly, only two troopers were brave enough to accompany them.  Perhaps they figured Vader would be able to deal with them himself?  Padmé braced herself as loud footsteps began echoing from down the hallway,

It's now or never!

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