Occam's Razor

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Padmé knew Luke had been protecting her.  She had an inkling over the course of the adventure that he wasn't going to just let someone hurt her, but she only really figured it out when they had been separated.  Traveling along with only Leia and a silent Artoo, something had felt amiss the entire time.  She thought it had only been the situation getting to her.  After all, they were stranded in enemy territory after surviving a shuttle crash, unable to locate any of their friends or allies, that would put any sane person at unease.  However, as soon as Luke was back with her, she could feel a noticeable difference in the air.  It was almost as though his hand was gently resting on her shoulder, reassuring her that no matter what, he had her back.  The second the door the elevator closed, Padmé could tell it was gone.  Luke didn't give up with out a fight, strengthening his mental grip in an attempt to hold on just a little longer, but it was no use.  She didn't blame him, he needed to concentrate on other unseen things, and it wasn't like she was left helpless.  Anakin obviously could recognize when Luke was manipulating the Force, so when his son let go, he stepped in.  Unfortunately, it wasn't a very comfortable hold.  Where Luke gave her room to breathe, Anakin had practically encased her in invisible armor. 

Is this what clones feel like?  She wondered to herself. 

Sure, she appreciated the gesture, any amount of caring shown by future Anakin was a cause for celebration, but she could tell that this wasn't a completely selfless act. No, it was true he didn't want her hurt under his watch. Yet, it was more like he was trying to show the galaxy not to even think of making a wrong move against her, a real warning. It had to be that, Anakin must have been anticipating a multitude of enemies. No one being could possibly put even him on such edge, right?

When Padmé first learned the fate of her beloved republic, it was definitely a shock.  How could one person force an entire galaxy to submit to his rule?  She wanted to believe that it happened out of nowhere. That some impossible monster had risen from beyond the unknown edges of the universe and had somehow managed to wipe out the Jedi, a feat she couldn't even fathom happening without another war even grander than the one raging on in her own time. Finishing of his assault by conquering the innocent planets left behind in the wake of such a disaster, crowning himself as their ultimate authority. However, she knew, in reality, it had been far more subtle than that, and dangerously close to home.

A gnarled face consumed by layers of folded skin, scarred, not by age, but from some unseen event left up to the imagination, greeted the family. He wore a large hood that fully draped over his head, it looked more expensive rather than regal in Padmé's opinion. In fact, his outfit, though considered a plain black cloak to most, was very well crafted. It screamed excess to Padmé as much as it would shout foreboding to anyone else. Sickly yellow eyes burned past his gray face, sending a wave of almost nausea through Padmé with the way they were staring at her son and husband.

Like a predator, she compared, no, like a master...

Instinctively, she tried positioning herself in front of Luke. Though, with her reduced range of motion, it proved difficult to jump in front of him. However, she did ultimately capture the elderly man's attention. His face flashed with confusion, or maybe just quiet pondering. It didn't matter, as he quickly replaced it with an eerie grin.

"Senator Amidala! Always a pleasure."

Oh Force! He, he knows me! But wouldn't that mean...I should know him-

Padmé's face paled instantly, her mind tried denying it, of all the people in the galaxy...it couldn't be him! Struggling to regain her composure, she could only gasp out.

"C-Chancellor Palpatine?!"

His smile grew wider, exposing a set of teeth just as yellow as his eyes.

It all made sense now. She couldn't figure out who would've had the ability to enslave the galaxy, the man who was already in charge of it. The man who slowly acquired more control through "emergency powers" necessary to continue fighting a vicious war. The man who she had helped put into office, the man who she at one time considered a close friend and her most trusted advisor.  He was the villain? Violent shivers ran down Padmé's back as she locked eyes with The Emperor. Luke huddled closer to her, trying to comfort his scared mother.  Cute...but definitely misplaced. 

"You TRAITOR!"  Padmé practically screamed, startling nearly everyone in the room, but she didn't care.  Her sole focus was before her, still holding his smug grin.

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