Getting to the Rebels

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The entire Frigate Headquarters was surrounded by ships, Padmé was surprised by the scope of the rebellion. Up until that point she had just assumed it was Luke and his friends, maybe a few disorganized factions, but the magnitude of it all almost overwhelmed her.

"Impressive, right? Believe it or not there are even MORE rebels than those ships can carry!" Luke shouted back.

Padmé was far too stunned to speak, so she watched in silence as Luke landed the X-Wing inside the enormous base. The two and Artoo rushed down the many halls, Luke was constantly switching direction.

"Do you even know where your going?" Padmé questioned after the fifth turn.

"W-well it's a big ship, and I'm already late..." Luke attempted to answer his annoyed mother.

"Let's stop and ask for direct-"

"No, I've got this! It's just around here, I'm sure!" Luke shouted as he ran passed another corner.

Padmé who was a bit mad at her son, casually conversed with Artoo.

"Well, I guess we BOTH know who he takes after!"

"Whistle, beep beep!" Artoo agreed.

Finally, after yet another wrong turn, Luke begrudgingly listened to his mother's advice and asked a man walking down the hall. Apparently, Luke had passed the right hallway three times. When they eventually made it to the meeting room, Padme froze. She stopped Luke from entering and whispered while pointing at an older woman standing off to the side.

"That's Mon Mothma...even with the years piled on I'd recognize her anywhere."

"Well, does it matter? I mean-"

"Luke, the point is that if I can tell it's her, then she could very likely tell it's me. Or at the very least, she could think I look exactly like her good friend. I don't think we need that kind of attention at the moment," Padmé explained.

Luke nodded and then listened from the doorway with his mother and Artoo,

"General Solo, is your strike team ready?"

Solo? Isn't that Luke's friend we rescued from Jabba?

The pair watched as Chewbacca volunteered. Then, an unexpected voice spoke up,

"Uh General...count me in."


Padmé watched in horror as her daughter volunteered for a dangerous mission, only to be equally shocked as her son entered the room.

"I'm with you too!" Luke shouted from behind everyone.

Han and Leia greeted him happily, but Padmé noticed that when Luke embraced his sister, she questioned him.

"What is it?"

Well, Luke seems to be as great at hiding his feelings as his father, so much for keeping it a secret...

Luckily, Luke covered up the mistake,

"As me again sometime."

Padmé watched the assembly break apart, and Chewbacca joined in greeting Luke. Artoo had somehow made his way past her as well, and was talking with Threepio. She waited in the doorway, silently watching her son, when she heard her name pop up in their conversation.

"Hey Luke, what happened to that girl?" Han asked.

"Yeah, where did leave her? Surely it wasn't on Coruscant like she wanted," Added Leia.

"Oh, Padmé? Well she's right over there," Luke said while pointing at the doorway.

Padmé silently cursed under her breath before forcing a sincere looking smile on to her face.

"Hello again," she said while walking over to her son. Padmé avoided Leia's gaze, at the respect of Luke's wishes, yet she couldn't help but be curious about her daughter.

Maybe after he tells her, we can talk...

Han wasn't shy about his feelings,

"Luke, why did you bring her here?! Are you out of your mind?"

"Han, she's a sympathizer. There's nothing we have to worry about, Padmé's on our side!"

Nervously, she scanned the area for Mon Mothma. Luckily, she didn't seem to be within earshot.

That was close, Luke needs to learn that we use our inside voice when revealing possibly-wait- inside voice?! Was I seriously thinking of that? He's not five, he's about twenty three!

"So, Padmé will you be participating?" Luke asked his zoned out mother.

"What?" She responded, confused.

"The strike team, the one with me and Leia...and Han and Chewie?"

"That should hold them over for now, hey check the view counts will ya!"  Fearfor1thing shouted at the assistant.

"It's over one hundred!!!"  He yelled back.

"W-what?!  That can't possibly be correct!"

"I find your lack of faith, disturbing."  Someone chimed in from behind.

"I'll deal with you later, this is very important!"  Fearfor1thing growled back.

"You've been saying that since the beginning of the story!"  He argued.

"If you keep annoying me, then I'll keep ignoring you!  Your time will come, course I guess patience has never been your strong suit,". Fearfor1thing replied smugly.  "Now just wait over there, and don't do anything!"

He sat in the corner and gradually reached out his hand and clenched his fingers, only for the sentence to be deleted and replaced with a thank you letter.

"Thank you everyone who's gotten this far! I get that this was a bit different, but I needed SOMETHING to thank everyone. Please keep reading, I really appreciate it!"

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