Story Time

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Night fell before any of them had truly realized it, yet it was almost impossible to tell. Everyone and the entire village were crowded in the leader's hut, gathered around a dazzling fire. Threepio was quite animated as he told of the heroes previous adventures, and despite understanding only some names, Padmé listened along. The villagers were extremely entranced by the seemingly impossible tales, a few whispered amongst themselves while others seemed to jump back during exciting events. Luke quietly leaned over to his mother,

"This is when I blew up the first Death Star," he loudly whispered, "I had only just learned about the Force, but I think I did a pretty good job using it."

Padmé smiled, proud of her son's amazing accomplishments fighting against the Emperor.

My little boy is already so accomplished, and I wasn't here for any of it! I know Artoo said Anakin and I had perished...somewhere, but why?  Anakin lived anyway-

"And this was when Han was frozen in the carbonite, I come in a bit later," Luke continued to explain, breaking his mother's train of thought.

Han shot his friend a sharp glare, only for Leia to slightly push his shoulder. Padmé couldn't help but notice how close the two were, even before they reunited. She silently sighed, reminded of the care free days spent with Anakin on her home planet. Though it had been about four years ago, she still couldn't help but long for their lives to return to such a wonderful state. Ever since the Clone Wars began, it felt like everyday was laced with another struggle for each. Padmé hated to admit that they had started to drift slowly apart, with all the time she devoted to the senate and his never ending set of missions, they had almost never been together longer than a few hours a day if they were lucky.

"Hey," Luke carefully nudged his mother, "I think he's getting to the part at Jabba's palace."

Padmé chuckled at her son's enthusiasm, only to feel her thoughts to inevitably stray back to Anakin. I wonder... she leaned over to Luke, "You said your aunt and uncle raised you, right?"

He nodded absentmindedly, while staring at the droid.

That's what I thought, but how did that exactly work?  I assume Anakin must have been saved by someone else, after all, if I had been taken with him Luke and Leia wouldn't have been separated and raised by others.  Hmm, Obi-Wan and Yoda were definitely involved with that plan, I should have asked for more details!  How exactly am I supposed to help Anakin stay in the light if I don't even know the full story, wait...

Padmé glanced over at her son and daughter, before the realization exploded before her,

If I do somehow rescue Anakin in the past...what will that mean for Luke and Leia? Jedi aren't supposed to be married, much less have children!

Padmé shuttered as the problems grew more obvious, We can't keep a family hidden, Obi-Wan and Yoda already knew about our relationship, so it would probably be impossible to keep Luke and Leia hidden!  Anakin would probably want Luke training at the temple right away as well, and no matter what story he comes up with, the truth will always be just a blood test away!  Not only that, but even if I took Leia away to Naboo or somewhere else, everyone will be curious as to her father...

She looked back over at her children, feeling the worst pain imaginable. Padmé quietly left the hut as Threepio announced that they were part of the tribe.

"Just what I always wanted," Han remarked, his voice brimming with its trademark sarcasm.

Padmé mostly tuned out the celebration, and she instinctively felt for her necklace.  Staring longingly at the hand crafted charm, she almost didn't notice the hand resting on her shoulder.

"What's that?"  Luke innocently inquired.

"Oh," Padmé showed of the gift, "it was a present from your father.  He gave it to me shortly after we met."

"How did you two meet, after all, you were the one who said Jedi couldn't get married."

Padmé let lose a small chuckle, "Well, would you believe I once held the title of queen on my home planet Naboo?  I was already deeply involved in politics at just age fifteen, and that came with certain risks.  Luckily, I was able to perform my duties safely disguised as a handmaiden, with my body guard as a stand in for the queen.  It came in handy when the Trade Federation had blockaded the planet, and two Jedi were able to smuggle me out-


"No actually it was Obi-Wan and his master, we even met Artoo aboard the ship. Now, we needed to reach Coruscant to persuade the senate to help, but unfortunately our ship had been damaged.  We landed on the desert planet, Tatooine, determined to find the necessary parts."  Padmé smiled as she noticed Luke's eyes light up at the mention of his old home.  "Obi-Wan's master, Artoo, a gungan named Jar Jar Binks, and I traveled into town, eventually we came across a shop.  The owner began talks with the Jedi and the rest of us were left to wait, Jar Jar was messing around and I was lost in thought when a voice beckoned from behind.  The young boy sitting on the counter asked so casually, he wanted to know if I was an angel."

"Wait, why was my father working as a child...unless, it was Tatooine," Luke sighed as Padmé nodded in confirmation.  "I didn't know he was a slave, my uncle never mentioned it."

"Well, Anakin and his mother were slaves.  Anakin was able to leave with us, but his mother remained and was eventually sold to your uncle's father.  She was then finally freed and they got married, so your uncle was really Anakin's stepbrother.  Anyway, long story short, after we brought Anakin onto the ship he gave me the necklace to bring me good luck."

"Hmm, Uncle Owen would never talk about either of you.  Though I guess he truly didn't know much, if my father was already gone.  Thanks for telling me, mother."  Luke pulled Padmé into a quick embrace.

Oh Luke, this should never have your fight.  I promise to make it right, you deserve to be with your and your-

"So, this is where you two went!"

The two stared over at Leia, Luke blushed immensely as they noticed a prominent smirk plastered on her face.

"I just came to tell you that the tribe has agreed to help us in the shield take down, and that we're hopeful any remaining rebels soldiers will hopefully meet us there.  If I'm interrupting anything-"

"Actually Leia, I really need to talk to you in private, urgently!"  Luke grabbed his sister's arm and pulled her off into the night.  Padmé took one last look at the necklace, before following behind her children.

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