Bonus Chapter! Party Spirit

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"So the PRINCESS is my DAUGHTER?!"

Anakin's ghost just stared dumbfounded at Luke, who was clearly enjoying his father's reaction. The rebel party raged on behind him, though now Anakin had a reason to actually pay attention. He scanned the crowd over his son's shoulder, though he was easily able to spot the only human woman amongst the crowd of Ewoks. Unfortunately, she was currently dancing alongside the Corellian!  That certainly wasn't going to fly, no daughter of his was going to be shackled to some scruffy looking smuggler-

"Father, it's fine. Han's a good person," Luke quickly tried to assure him.

"Yeah, right." Anakin rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, a surprisingly easy feat despite the fact they were now spectral. He really didn't understand this ghost thing.

"I already told you, only the LIVING pass through our forms. We can still feel solid to each other." Obi-Wan sighed as he sent an exasperated look towards the sky.

Well, excuse me for missing out on the Force ghost orientation meeting!  Anakin thought with a smirk.

"We can hear each other's thoughts too. We're all part of the Force now." Obi-Wan turned to Luke. "And, it wasn't as funny an idea as your father seems to think it was. Just thought I'd let you know."

"Hmm, maybe that's just from 'a certain point of view'," Luke grinned while mimicking his father's posture, compete with crossed arms.

"Undoubtedly like his father, young Skywalker is," Yoda noted, though with a bit more amusement than the exasperation Obi-Wan was currently feeling towards that regard.

"At least the chronic rule breaking didn't start until after I had died."

"I'm a rebel, Ben! It's kind of in the job description," Luke frowned.

"He has a point, BEN!" Anakin smiled at the false name, though this only seemed to provide ammunition for his former master.

"Well, DARTH, most of those rules just so happened to be created by your precious empire." Obi-Wan didn't exactly smirk, but he did smile as Anakin's jaw dropped.

"Oh yeah, old man?" Anakin knew that the low blow would strike a nerve, after all, not everyone was back to their twenties form.

"They say age brings about wisdom...too bad we'll never know in your case." 

Anakin pouted as he settled back into his place next to Luke.  Sneaking a few more looks his daughter's way, it became clear that Han had moved in a considerable bit closer to her.  Yeah, no. 

"I'll be right back," Anakin told the group of Jedi as he disappeared back into the Force.

Luke looked around confused as Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, clearly having read Anakin's thoughts yet again.  For a few moments, the party continued on as normal...until there were two incredibly loud screams, followed by an overly enthusiastic, "Hi I'm Anakin, and I am her father!"

"I thought only I could see you guys?"  Luke asked while they watched several Ewoks attempt to stab Anakin. 

Fortunately, the spears passed harmlessly through his ghostly form.  Though, it did make for many confused and frustrated little aliens.  Threepio was panicking as he quickly tried to translate between all parties, and Artoo was busy laughing with Anakin. 

"What gave you that impression?"  Obi-Wan asked, eliciting a shrug from Luke.

"I guess just because no one else was over here."

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