He Knows

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Staring out a window on the Death Star, he thought back to the original station. The new one, though larger and more powerful, still failed to even remotely impress him. His Master was far too confident in its abilities, slowly losing faith it seemed, in the ultimate power of the Force. Suddenly, a small disturbance rang out. He watched as no one else reacted, prompting him to seek out the source.  His loud steps echoed throughout the entire area as he walked down the row of controllers, stopping at Admiral Piett.  The fear exhibited by the terrified imperial as he straightened up, only made a his anger swell.

He's done something wrong...but what?

"Where is that shuttle going?"  His baritone voice demanded as he glared a the control screen.

He watched as the admiral stiffly reached for his comlink,

"Shuttle Tydirium, what is your cargo and destination?"

A heavily filtered voice answered back,

"Parts and technical crew for the forest moon."

The man looked back at him, silently requesting a reaction.

"Do they have a clearance code?"  He obliged.  Piett calmed slightly as he answered,

"It's an older code, sir, but it checks out.  I was just about to clear them."

A tremor, not unlike the one from earlier, once again was picked up by him.  Looking upward, he knew the only possible cause.

"Shall I hold them?"  The now concerned admiral asked.

"No.  Leave them to me.  I will deal with them mysel-"

He clenched his fists tightly, his anger now rising severely.  Although he could feel his son trying to overshadow, in a fruitless attempt of protection, her presence still showed through.  He could just barely feel her, but there was no mistaking.

"Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately. Follow your present course."

"What are you doing?!"  His tone change terrified the admiral.

"I'm just following your orders sir-"

His rage lashing out the admiral, he held out his arm, and watched the panicked gasps of air leave his aching lungs. 

"Stop that ship at any cost, but leave the passengers unharmed and bring them on board at once!"  He shouted while dropping the admiral.  His black cape waved violently as he stormed the hall of the Death Star,

He said I killed her...but she's alive, I've felt her!

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