Escaping Into Danger

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Padmé moved her hand to her side and felt a feeling of relief.

"Luke, I'll take the shots and you cover me!"

And with that, the pair sprang into action.  Luke was able to lodge a large bone into its mouth, delaying its attacks for a few moments. Padmé fired a few lasers, yet they seemed to be useless against the monster! She cursed under her breath as the sound of the bone snapping filled the pit.

"Luke! We need a new strategy, the blaster isn't very effective!"

Luke thought for a moment before shouting back,

"Hey Padmé, if we make it towards that door..."

She hadn't noticed the open door right in front of her.  With a quick nod, they bolted past the Rancor and headed out the door.  A couple of guards tried to stop them, however, a couple of shots from Padmé's blaster were enough to convince them to let the prisoners pass.  The pair made it back to Jabba, only for Padmé to be disarmed by Boba Fett.  The previously frightened guards attempted to redeem themselves in their boss's eyes by recapturing the two.  When Jabba spoke, Threepio nervously translated,

"Oh dear, his high exaltedness the great Jabba the Hutt has decreed for you all to be terminated immediately."

Padmé watched as a man and a Wookie were brought over to them by a few other guards, she saw the chained up girl staring at the man.  He didn't even notice her.  Luke excitedly called to them,

"Han!  How are you?"

"Well, I've been better but I guess you wouldn't see it that way.  After all, the last time you saw me I was frozen in carbonite!"

Padmé knew the effects of hibernation sickness, she noticed how he wasn't looking at Luke but rather his general direction.

"Don't worry, your eyesight will come back soon."

"Who the heck was that?  It wasn't Leia."

"Oh, that's Padmé.  I found her on my way over."

"Great, we're all in danger here, but you're spending your time picking up hitchhikers?!"

"Well she-"

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but the illustrious Jabba is tired of your bickering.  He says that there will be plenty of time for it, while you're spending the next one thousand years in the Sarlacc Pit."

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