Planning for the Future

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Rage.  All he could possibly feel was pure, unbridled, all consuming, rage.  The TIE pilot who had been unfortunately outed by terrified peers as the cause for the crash, was on floating midair.  The pilot's feeble hands were trying desperately to grasp at the invisible force wrapped around their neck, yet to no avail.  He knew it was entirely futile, just a hopeless reflex enacted by any being with a will to live.  As his grip tightened gradually over the course, the deafening sounds of the neck's bones breaking echoed throughout the shadowy room.  The pilot's mind begged for the gift of screaming, however, every time their mouth opened, a putrid gurgling sound stuttered out to their horror.  Blood was never a problem for him, it came up so often in his life, but something about the Pilot's spilling out of their ruptured threat, coupled with bits of bone seemed off.

This blasted pilot's incompetence, he's decimated any chance I had to protect my angel, there's no conceivable amount of pain I can possibly inflict-

His mind began to reel at the memory of the last time he ever witnessed her beauty, crushing her windpipe with his soon to be signature move.  Dropping the pilot's mangled corpse, he stared down at his gloved hands, envisioning the complex robotics that made up the shapes of functional hands and fingers, disguised by a thick layer of fabric.  Looking down at his boots, and how far away they appeared to be.

He strode into the corridor, holding back his true anger as the two ignorant guards foolishly blocked his path.

"Halt!  The Emperor does not wish to be disturbed at this moment."


Raising his hand and focusing around their necks, he glared through the mask as he bellowed,

"The Emperor will see me now!"

Upon releasing his grip, the now fearfully complacent guard repeated back his demand,

"The Emperor will see you, now."

Who needs mind tricks, when there are far more effective ways to manipulate an enemy, he thought as he listened to the slight whimpers of pain in the guard's voice. Riding the elevator, he struggled to keep his mental barriers up. His master's influence was already reaching his mind, subtly poking and prodding for any new information. Information he fiercely fought to protect with every fiber of his being. Marching into the foreboding room, his boots reverberated throughout as he continued to his master's throne. The view of the back of the chair secretly infuriated him, yet he maintained his critical composure.

"I told you to remain on the command ship."

"A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and crash landed on Endor."

"Yes, I know." The Emperor monotonously replied.

How could you have?!

"My...son is with them."

"Are you sure?" The Emperor questioned, seemingly intrigued.

What else does he know?

"I have felt him, my Master"

"Strange, that I have not. I wonder if your feelings on the matter are clear, Lord Vader."

Anger swelled in the back of his mind, as it became obvious of the true question.

"They are clear, my Master."

"Then you must go to the Sanctuary Moon and wait for them."

"He will come to me?"


"I have foreseen it. His compassion for you will be his undoing. He will come to you and then you will bring him before me."

Bowing to his master, he kept his thoughts focused on his son,

"As you wish."

Striding out of the room to await the arrival, he let an idea spark into existence after leaving behind the Emperor. An idea that soon morphed into the groundwork for his own plans.

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