Still More Questions

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Padmé collapsed into the sand, her body was completely drained of the will to go on.  Her hands trembled as she reached for Artoo.

"A-Artoo, what happened?  Was, was it Luke?"

Padmé couldn't help but see an image in her head of Luke standing over her beaten husband, his stern face as he went in for the final-

"Beep beep! Whistle click!"

"Oh my, it seems Artoo must have short circuited or something.  Because he seems to be insisting that you died there as well."

Padmé stopped her coming tears and confusingly asked,

"What?  Artoo, I haven't seen Ani since this morning.  We haven't been in the same place together long enough to die, and I'm still alive!"

"I don't know what has gotten into him, but he won't stop rambling on about-"

"Padmé, we've reached a decision."

Luke approached her and put his gloved hand on her shoulder,

"You shouldn't be so down, it's good news."

Padmé nervously looked up at his smile,

"We all agreed that you should come with me, I'll keep an eye on you to make sure that you can be trusted.  Han felt it might be better than just taking you to the rebel base, after all we still don't know your story."

Padmé arose from the sand and followed Luke and Artoo to the X-Wing, she hated that Threepio went with the others but at least Artoo was still with them.  The ride didn't take very long, but Padmé was on edge the entire time.

"Don't worry so much, I'm an excellent pilot!  Who do you think it was that destroyed the Death Star?"

Padmé just smiled and nodded, she had finally just given up on understanding what he was talking about. Eventually they reached a green planet,

"That's our destination, Dagobah."

Padmé watched intently as the swamps soon came into view.

"You should have seen it the first time Artoo and I landed here. My entire ship sank into the mud!"

"Hey Luke, who is that lives here exactly."

"Oh, I thought you would have asked sooner. Well, we're here to see my master. I need to finish my Jedi training."

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