[ 8 ] ~ In Which Adam Goes Missing And I Can't Find A Good Title Name

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// It's another short one 😁 sorry, I've been busy with school //

{ Adam's POV }

All the screaming was giving me a headache as I fidgeted in place. Ross and George were at each other's throat over something that I found had no importance. I was honestly on George's side. Nothing looked wrong and him and Matty deserved to left alone in their own house. Ross crossed a line.

I was beginning to become fed up with Ross's arguments against George. I could see his comments slowly breaking George down as Ross began to push him back towards the wall.

Finally I broke, stamping my feet as I walked forward and grabbed Ross, pushing him away from George.

" You're such a twat!! Why can't you just leave the boy alone he's done nothing wrong! " I yelled.

Ross looked at me in surprise and sudden worry as tears began to stream down my cheeks. He reached for my arms and tried to pull me towards him.

" Love- "

" Don't ' love ' me!!! I'm done! I'm fuckin done! " I yelled, ripping my arm from his grasp and storming out the front door.

I did the only thing that made sense to me at the moment.

I ran.

{ George's POV }

" Love? " I questioned the pet name, " Somethin' goin' on between Adam and you? "

Ross's ears and cheeks flames red.

" Nufin, " he mumbled into the sleeves of his coat as he rubbed his face.

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him into the kitchen, turning on the kettle and getting out some bread.

" Aren't you gonna go after your boyfriend then Ross? "

" He's not my boyfriend!!! " Ross screeched.

I rolled my eyes once more.

" Fine...are you going after Adam or not cause I only have enough water in the kettle for one cup of tea " I grumbled.

He huffed and flopped down on the sofa.

" No...he's an adult he can care for himself. " Ross murmured.

He looked upset, twiddling his thumbs and sniffling. I sighed and quickly put more water in the kettle before turning it back on. I made two cups of tea and handed one to Ross with far too much milk and sugar in it but I'm sure he wouldn't care. He took the mug and sipped it, scrunching his nose slightly but not complaining.

I shrugged and put the bread away, deciding against a slice of toast, and sat down on the couch.

" Thanks for the tea...even if it's too sweet and too milky, " he murmured.

" Shove off, " I said back with a pout.

He got up and placed his mug in the sink before coming back to the living room.

" I'll be off now...sorry 'bout the fight "

I just shrugged and watched as he left the house with a defeated look on his face.

{ Ross's POV }

I stormed off in the direction of my house, caring less about Adam's distress then the dirt under my shoes. As I approached my house, I got out my keys and unlocked the front door, stepping into my empty cold room. I didn't even bother to turn on the light as I stumbled up to my room and collapsed into bed, ready for sleep.

My mind slightly wavered from my thoughts of sleep and I began to think about Adam. What a dick, pushing me back like that. He's supposed to support me god dammit he's my boyfriend...well...sort of.

I sighed and punched my pillows a few times, curling up in the empty cold bed and drifting off into a long harsh sleep.

{ Adam's POV }

I giggled to myself as I sipped from one of the bottles of whiskey I had bought. The cold air on my bare legs that were dipped in the pond I'd stopped at made me shiver. I didn't think about it as I continued to drink into the night relishing the burn that was destroying my throat bit by bit. I stared at the empty bottles near my side. The sight of them made my head spin. After I finished my fourth bottle -- or was it my fifth? I can't remember. I stood up and swayed harshly as I tried to pick up my trash. I let my mind wander as I stated at the world around me, stars barely shone through the thick layer of clouds. My mind began to go back to Ross and the fight and suddenly I remembered why I was drinking in the first place.

" Whatever, " I mumbled to myself, " Who needs Ross anyways? "

I sniffled and sat back down again. Tears began to pour down my cheeks without warning and my sniffles turned into sobs. I opened the final bottle that I had and drank it in between little cries until the sun began to rise.

I got up and began to stumble in the direction of Ross's house. I was sure I had lost my way until I caught sight of his bright white fence and old car. I stumbled up the steps to the front door and knocked, leaning harshly on the old wood. The door opened and there stood Ross, his face a mix of surprise and worry. Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

" W-Why do you hate me so much? " I whimpered out before collapsing to the floor.

Everything went black.

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