[ 6 ] ~ Never Ending Guilt

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Trigger Warning: Suicide mention

{ Adam's POV }

I opened the door to Matty and George's house with the key I'd nabbed off George's sleeping frame. George had been sleeping at mine and Ross's house the past few weeks after a " childish spat " with Matty as George had called it. I called out Matty's name uhaphazardly and walked into the messy living room. Notebooks and clothes were scattered about as well as papers for rolling spliffs and vodka bottles.

I gulped and called out again, a bit quieter this time, " Matty? "

No response.

I made it into the kitchen and gasped when I saw blood trails on the wall and tiles. My heart began to hammer in my chest as worry consumed me.

" Matty?! Where are you mate?! " I yelled.

Still no response.

I went upstairs, searching all the room until I reached the bathroom. I bit my lip and hesitantly opened the door. What lay before me was a scene so horrible that I nearly screamed. Matty was laying on the floor, a noose around his neck and his body unmoving. I rushed forward to Matty's pale body and checked his pulse, glad to find his heart still beating pretty strong. I loosened the noose which was around his neck and pulled it away from his body.

He seemed to have passed out, maybe from hitting his head on the tile floor? I wasn't sure. I picked up the small man the best I could and carried him to George's room which seemed to be the only room in the house that wasn't in tatters. I laid him on the bed and finally let silent tears pour down my cheeks. I hastily wiped the tears and took some deep breaths as I called Ross. Of course my effort to regain my composure went down the drain as soon as Ross picked up.

" Ross he was lying on the f-floor and a noose a-and he's so pale Ross I can't, " sobs escaped my as I stared at my bandmate's still form.

" Woah woah Adam calm down what's wrong love? " Ross murmured.

The pet name did little to calm me down as I still tried to splutter out an answer.

Eventually I just blurted out the only rational thought in my head, " Matty tried to kill himself Ross! "

Everything went silent on Ross's end. Sobs still escaped me.

" I'll be right over. " was all he said before the line went quiet and I knew he'd hung up.

I heard a groan from Matty as he rolled over and curled up into the blankets. I held my breath as a small smile appeared on his lips and he mumbled George's name. I whimpered and stroked my hand through Matty's unruly hair.

" God what happened to you? What did George and you fight about that could've brought you to this... " I questioned no one in particular as I continued to stare at Matty's sleeping body.

About a half hour later there was frantic knocking on the front door. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to be met with a grumpy and sleepy George and a frantic Ross.

" Why's we 'ere anyway Ross? I don't wanna be 'ere, " sleepy George muttered while rubbing his eyes.

Ross said nothing, just stepped past me into the messy house.

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