[14] ~ Going Home?

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{ Matty's POV }

He loves me. George fucking loves me! I can't even tell if I'm dreaming anymore or if his arms around me are real. Can dreams last for three weeks? Maybe...he loves me.

God the words don't even make sense to me. How could such an exceptionally perfect human being love me. The bus hit a bump in the road and shook me out of my trance.

I stared down as the soft man beside me. His arms were entwined around my waist and his lips were slightly parted as he breathed softly in his sleep.

His tattoo clad arms tightened around me and a little whimper escaped him. I sighed softly, frowning gently as I began to stroke his cheek.

I moved my hand up to his hair and played with the golden strands. His cheek rubbed against my palm as he started to wake up.

" Morning sleepy head, " I murmured softly into his ear.

He shuddered, glancing up at me. His eyes twinkled with happiness. I captured his lips in mine and kissed him sweet and slow.

His plush lips adhered to mine, our skin almost seeming glued together. I finally pulled away from his soft embrace and nuzzled int his chest.

" We're almost home, " he whispered.

" I love you, " I replied.

It felt so good to say. Being able to slip those words past my lips felt like being able to finally breath after being held in a choke hold for far too long.

It felt like seeing another human being after years of isolation. George smiled and his beauty was so intense. His smile made me feel like the heavens had opened up and God himself was looking down upon me.

" I love you too Matty, "He murmured softly.

His silken voice entranced me easily. I tried to look down but George slipped his finger under my chin and pushed my face up so I was looking at him.

" We'll be home so soon love...so soon, " he said softly.

He kissed me. He was so gentle with me it was strange. He held me like a flower that could wither at any moment and that scared me slightly.

George usually wasn't this gentle...maybe he's changed. I pulled away from the kiss as the bus stopped and parked. I sat up in the bunk and moved out into the hallway.

Adam was staring right at my bunk as I slipped out. His cheeks were burning red and his mouth gaped open.

" U-Uh erm uh..I-I " he stuttered.

" Were you eavesdropping?! " I accused with a glare.

He flinched  and nodded quickly, " I'm sorry! "

I sighed softly and looked at George. He gave me a blank look.

" It's okay.. "

I stood and grabbed my bag, stepping off the bus and being met with my house. My beautiful home.

I ran to the front door, unlocking the door and running to the couch. I collapsed into the plush piece of furniture and tears came to my eyes. God its good to be home.

George came in a minute or so later already rolling a joint. Adam and Ross followed, putting some stuff down.

" Wanna watch Hell's Kitchen? " Ross asked.

" Sure, " George and I said at the same time.

I giggled and he sent me a plastic smile. He was really starting to worry me. I'm not very good at picking up on his hints. He, on the other hand, could see my depression from a mile away.

He sat beside me and handed me the joint. I started it off and inhaled deeply, sighing out the smoke. Adam and Ross sat on the other couch, turning on the tv and going to our prerecorded shows.

" Matty I'm tired.. " George whispered.

" C'mere love, " I pulled him into my arms.

He lay down against my chest and took a drag of the joint, handing it back to me. I ran my hand through his hair, watching the television program playing and smoking the joint as George drifted off in my arms.

{ George's POV }

For some reason everything feels empty. It doesn't make sense. I should be the happiest I've ever been. I have Matty and his love and that should be enough to get rid of the emptiness but it won't go away.

I fell asleep in Matty's arms but my dreams did little to dispel my empty and depressing feelings. I woke a while later to a nearly empty room. The tv was still on, the bright light illuminating the face of the sleeping boy holding me. The room was dark and void of Ross and Adam.

I sat up, pulling away from Matty's warmth and delving into the abnormally warm room.

Was Matty's snow storm melting?

I stepped into the kitchen, my feet on the tile sending chills up my spine. I grabbed the kettle, flicking it on and sitting on the counter. I heard soft footsteps and Matty came into the kitchen. He came over to me and stepped between my legs.

" You were keeping me warm. " he whispered.


I see.

His winter storm comes back when he thinks I'm gone.

Well Matty I promise I'm not going anywhere.

" Sorry love..I needed a cuppa. "

He nodded and pecked my cheek.

" Can I suck your dick? " he asked suddenly.

A crimson blush spread over my cheeks.

" T-That was sudden, " I giggled out.

He giggled back.

" Soz..I'm sleepy. "

I nodded, not bothering to reply with my words. I took the hot water, pouring it into a tea cup and grabbing an herbal tea. I allowed to tea to step and pulled Matty into my arms.

He molded to my frame perfectly. I buried my face in his soft curls  and inhaled his oh so familiar scent that haunted my dreams.

To think that the last time we were in this house we were fighting so often. I really hope those fights don't continue.

" George.. "

" H-Huh? "

" Would you ever marry me? " his words struck me like a hammer on a nail.

" Of course...I want to grow old with you. I love you more then anything in the world. " I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

It took a second for me to hear the soft plops of water on tile but when I did I looked down at Matty. Tears were slipping down his cheeks.

" Baby, what's wrong? " my voice shook.

" I love you so much, " he whimpered out.

Sobs escaped him. I held him close to me and rocked him gently.

" Shh love don't cry...everything will be alright. I love you. "

Everything will be alright.

I love you.

Everything will be alright.

I love you.

Everything...will be...alright.








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