[13] ~ A New Album In The Works

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{ George's POV }

I like boys. There I said it are you happy now? Thirteen goddamn chapters  in and I said it. What? You heard nothing.

It's been a about three months since we started  the tour and we've had many shows. We were reaching the end of the tour. Matty and I had been pretty good but both of us still showed up to our hotel rooms smelling of sex and perfume.

I watched Matty as  he sat at the couch, writing away in his notebook. Words I couldn't see. Humming under his breath notes I couldn't hear.

I was trying to work up the courage to ask him what he was writing that seemed so important. Finally I did ask, though there was really no use to asking as he didn't give me the answer I wanted.

" What're you writin' love? " I asked, staring at him from my seat at the tables diagonal from the couch.

" You'll see once we start working on the new album " he murmured softly, a smirk playing on his lips.


This is his first mention of the new album but besides that he didn't tell me what he was writing.

I mean of course it's a song but why won't he share it with me? He usually shares all of his ideas with me. I whined as he smirked.

" Matty tell me " I whines, drawing out the e as  much as I could.

He giggled, " No...leave me be and let me write. "

I huffed and stood up, trying to sneak a peak at the paper but unable to as Matty's hand covered the page. Damn him and his hands.

" Your hands are so fat I can't even see the lines on the paper, " I teased him.

" My hands are not fat shu' up. " he said with a manicured pout gracing his face.

" Just show me! " I whined once more.

" No! "

" Why not? " I asked, " Is it  about some girl? Or wha- "

" I can't show you, " he breathed out, almost showing anger but not quite, " because its about you "

My breath caught in my throat.

" Oh, " I said, my voice barely a whisper.

He anxiously began to scribble in the corner of his page. I could swear I heard him whisper a soft ' sorry '.

" Hey..M? "

" Y-Yeah? "

" Thank you...for writing a song about me. I don't deserve that especially with how I've been treating you, " I murmured.

He parted his lips to reply but I never gave him the chance. The bus stopped at the next venue and I quickly walked towards the door, stepping out of the bus and into the nighttime atmosphere.

I began walking towards the stage to check things out. I took out a pack of cigs and pulled one of them out, placing it between my lips. I lit the fag and inhaled the smoke as I continued to walk to the stage, alone, shaking, cold and with tears drowning my cheeks.

I climbed on the stage, trying to find a place I could hide for a little while but being about 196 centimeters (6'4") made it quite difficult. I  eventually found a little thing I could climb up to.

It was sort of like a walkway up high. I think it's used for sound people or somethin'. I climbed up to it and laid down on the cold metal, smoking my fag and wiping my drenched cheeks.

I finished the cig, crushing it against the metal and pulling out a bag of weed from my inside jacket pocket.

I grabbed my cigarette rolling papers which I'd gotten for while we were out and about and not in the safety of our own home.

I took the white and orange colored rolling paper and began to roll a joint. I started it off and then slipped it between my lips, lighting the end and inhaling the sweet smoke that permeated my lungs and calmed my nerves almost instantly.

I'm sure the others were worried about my whereabouts or at least Matty was but I  was too scared to go back.

I smoked the joint quickly, the drug filling my bloodstream and making me feel as if my whole world was filled with a soft haze. I began to feel sleepy as I finished the joint.

I stubbed out the rest of the joint and saved the minimal amount of weed left in my bag of said drug. I closed my eyes, shivering in my jacket. I curled up and fell asleep despite the fact  that I was freezing and slightly uncomfortable.


" George! George?! " I heard someone yell.

" Matty? " I whispered.

I shivered in the cold air and sat up. Dry tears had made salt tracks on my cheeks and my nose was sniffly.

" GEORGE?! " Matty's voice yelled, " C'MON LOVE ITS 3AM YOU'VE BEEN OUT HERE FOR HOURS. "

" Matty! " I said slightly louder.

My voice was low and husky from sleep. I crawled down the ladder and landed on the stage, stumbling slightly and almost falling but Matty had  run over to me and grabbed me.

" 'Am tired, " I mumbled, burying my face in Matty''s neck and relishing in his warmth.

" Mmm " I began to kiss his neck, feeling his warm skin shudder under my cold lips.

" I lav you, " I murmured sleepily.

He didn't say anything for a second.

" C'mon let's get you back to the bus. "

" Don' you lav me? " I asked.

Tears came to my eyes but I didn't know why.

" George do you even know what you're saying? "

" Yeah! I know what the fuck I'm saying Matthew I'm saying that I fucking love you! " I screamed into the night air. My voice echoed around the stadium.

" But do you really though? " Matty asked, looking into my eyes.

Tears stained his cheeks.

" If you really loved me you wouldn't tell me every time we fucked that you didn't! That you're straight! You wouldn't use me as a coping mechanism for your breakups! You wouldn't- "

I cut him off, grabbing the neck of his hoodie and lifting him up. I pressed  him against the nearest wall and pinned him to it, slamming my lips to his. He gasped but kissed back.

I bit his lip, tugging it and hearing his guttural moan. The sound went straight to my dick to be honest.  slipped my tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his and holding his bum in my hands.

His hands tangled in my hair and with every tug I moaned louder and louder into his mouth.

I pulled away, gasping for breath and staring at him.

" I love you, " I murmured.

And this time he didn't question it. He just kissed me all night until we felt the sun on our backs streaming down onto the stage.


WOOOOOOOO CHAPTER 13 BITCHES! Sorry I didn't mean t call you guys bitches that one time. Anyways we are getting so close to the end of  this...maybe...or maybe not I dunno how long I want this to go to be honest. I was gonna try and make this like a 40 chapter story but I mean I don't think I could do that and at that point I'd just be dragging the story out. Well tell me how long you guys think this should go for. Should we aim for chapter 20 as our " finale " ( I put quotes around finale because I'm probably gonna write a sequel but again that's a maybe ).

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed that. I dedicate this chapter to IDEKTERBEAR because she gave me tons of motivation to finish my english assignment that I wasn't gonna do today

Well I love you all!

xx ghxstlyxterrors

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