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Chemistry turns out to be horrible, like I expected. Miles would not stop flirting with me, and I honestly want to throw up. I mean, I'll admit he's not horrible looking, but his personality is just god awful.

I make it through the rest of the school day without any more "distractions" from Miles. I see Bianca beginning to walk home so I join her.

"Hey!" She greets me.

"Hey." I reply.

"So how was your school day?"

"Horrible. Miles was put in my chemistry class, and not only is he my lab partner, he was flirting with me the entire time."


"Yep. I wish it wasn't true, but it is."

"I just don't understand."

"What is it?"

"Miles promised never to flirt with any of my friends, and yet here he is flirting with my best friend. I'll need to have a talk with him."


Alya is honestly one of the most annoying people I have ever met. She always acts so pretentious, and like her life is so hard. Bianca says I shouldn't do anything to her because she's had rough past experiences, but I can't imagine what those would be. Probably not finding a dress in her size or something stupid like that.

I drive home after my football practice, and as soon as I walk through the door Bianca has me pinned to the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" She spits.

"Um I'm just coming home?" I say confused.

"We made a deal!"

"What deal are you talking about?

"You promised me you would leave my friends out of your little flirting game!"

"And I did."

"Hmm is that so? Then why did I hear about you flirting with Alya?"

"Alya?! Eww, gosh no! I would never flirt with someone as awful as her."

"That's not what it seems like to me."

"Okay, so I admit what I said maybe could've been taken as flirting if she's really that desperate. But it was to annoy her. Not to flirt with her, gosh!"

"What's your problem with her anyways?"

"She acts like a stuck up little princess."

"Wow. You really have no idea what she's gone through. You're disgusting." She says before running upstairs to her room.

I feel like I messed up, but I don't know why.


Miles is skipping school today, so that means no ride for me. It's freezing but I have no other choice but to walk. My dad left me the usual note saying he's going to be home late tonight, and I guess I should always be expecting it now, but it still hurts. I can't even remember the last time I've seen him in person.

I'm about halfway to school when I accidentally bump into someone, and we both fall down to the ground.

"Watch where you're going Alya." A male voice says.

It's Miles.

"Or you could watch where you're going." I snap as we both stand up.

"Don't get so angry princess."

"Don't call me that."

"Are you sure you want that? Because you sure act like you want everyone to treat you like royalty."

"Ugh I'm done. Get out of my way." I say as I shove him to the side.

"Hope you have a perfect day at school princess!" He exclaims.

"Oh I definitely will! Seeing as you won't be there!"


Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter took longer to write than I expected, and I'm also sorry that this story kind of sucks. I know I'm definitely not the best writer, but I hope I am improving in some way. Thank you for all the support this story has gotten so far, and please continue to leave comments as it does really inspire me to write more chapters knowing that you guys enjoy it. I hope you all have a wonderful day!



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