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(A/N: This chapter is a little bit more mature than others as far as swearing, and sexual content goes, so I apologize if that's not your cup of tea.)


Instead of being woken up by the annoying alarm for school, I'm woken up by a text from Austin. I immediately snap up once I hear the familiar chime from my phone, and I read Austin's text with a smile.

'Good morning babe. I love you.' It reads.

'Love you too babe. See you soon.' I text back.

Yesterday when Austin took me out again, he said the 'L' word. I know we're moving a little fast, but I don't care. He loves me! Someone actually loves me!

Slowly, I peel my back off the mattress below me, and stretch my arms up high before walking downstairs. The smell of bacon and pancakes hits me once I reach the last step, and my mouth can't help but water. 

"Well look who got up on time today."  Miles says smirking.

"Ha ha, whatever. I just thought of how sweet Austin was this morning, and I wanted to see him so I used that as motivation to get out of bed."

"Eww, I can't believe you actually like that guy." Bianca says, wearing a disgusted expression across her face.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snap back at her.

"Excuse me?" She asks back.

"Ugh whatever." I sigh.

Once it becomes around the time that Austin usually picks me up, I begin to become a little suspicious, but I don't know why. He's probably just sick or something and he forgot to tell me he wasn't coming to school today. I grab my phone and dial his number.

"Hey babe, where are you?' I ask.

"Oh uh I um I have morning detention!" He says nervously.

"They have morning detention?" I reply.

"Yeah um I guess they do now. Anyways, I gotta go. Bye!"

"Bye baby!"

I hang up, and put my phone into my backpack.

"Hey Miles, I'm going to need a ride today."

"Is your stupid boyfriend hooking up with some whore right now so he can't pick you up?"

"Don't talk about him like that! And he has morning detention, that's why he's not able to pick me up."

"Alya, morning detention doesn't exist."

"Well um I'm sure it does now. Maybe they just made an exception for him."

"Do you believe Austin's really at 'morning detention' right now?"

"Yeah actually I do. And I would really appreciate it if you would stop talking badly about my boyfriend."

"I'm just trying to look out for you. Austin's a bad guy Alya."

"Oh so you believe those rumors too? Austin told me about them, it's horrible. Someone made up a story that he raped his girlfriend last year, and people like to make up stories about him all the time about being a player. But they're wrong, they all are. Austin's a super sweet guy and he cares about me."

"He cares about getting into bed with you."

"Shut up Miles!"

"You know what? Fuck you Alya. You think you're doing the right thing by sticking with Austin, and telling me to stop talking about him, but really you're just some annoying bitch who can't even sing!" He exclaims.

I storm out of the house and walk to school, not even caring that it's below freezing. My eyes begin to tear up once I process everything that Miles just said. Is that really what he thinks of me? I guess I never had a chance with him anyways. I'm so stupid.

My school day is lonelier than usual. Bianca and Miles are both mad at me so I haven't been able to talk to either of them. By the time lunch rolls around I decide that sitting with Austin might be the best option today.

"Hey do you know where Austin is?" I ask Jax when I see him.

"Yeah I think he's in the janitor's closet actually. I'm also pretty sure he's getting it on with Cassandra in there, but I could be wrong. Good luck!" He replies, patting me on the back at the end.

Austin isn't with Cassandra right now, right? Jax is probably saying that just to mess with me, I hope.

I walk around the school and eventually find the janitor's closet. My worries begin to increase once I realize that the door is shut, and it almost sounds like people are talking in there. At least, I think they're talking. I put my ear up next to the door to hopefully listen to what's going on.

"Oh yeah, Austin. Right there, mmmmm." I hear a female voice shout.

That can't be... my Austin? Right?

"You like when I hit it here? Oh yeahhhh." A male voice moans.

That voice sounds too much like Austin. And that other voice sounds too much like Cassandra. Although what I'm about to see may scar me forever, I know I have to find out. Bracing myself, I slowly turn the door handle and push it open.

My eyes open wide once I take in the image in front of me; Cassandra is bent over one of the tables, and Austin pounding her from the back, neither of them realizing I'm here too.

"You dick!" I scream.

Austin and Cassandra's heads both snap up with alarm, and Cassandra quickly grabs her clothes to cover herself. Austin on the other hand, smirks and walks closer to me.

"You like what you see?" He asks, pointing down below to his uncovered body.

"I can't believe you!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

"Baby relax. I was just having some fun." He replies laughing.

"Fun? Fun?! Are you kidding me? It's probably lots of fun to cheat on your girlfriend, isn't it? I can't believe this! All those rumors were true! You raped someone! You're a rapist! You're a freak, just get away from me and never talk to me again!" I scream before kicking him hard where it counts.

I quickly stomp out of the closet and slam the door as hard as I possibly can. Guilt consumes me. Miles and Bianca were just looking out for me this whole time, yet I was horrible to them in return. I know Bianca and I can make up easily because we've been through a lot together, but Miles? I don't know if we'll ever be the same.

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