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I've spent the last 3 hours trying to get to sleep, but to no avail. I've been tossing and turning all night just because of one stupid person. Bianca was right. I do like Miles, a lot, and I'm completely screwed. Miles has a girlfriend, and I'm going on a date tomorrow. I need to move on, and I'm hoping this date will do that.

Bianca even told me about Austin, and she kept on going on and on about what a fuckboy he is. I trust her judgement, but I don't know about this. Austin seems like a super sweet guy.

Anyways, back to Miles, the more I think about him, the more I doubt that I can get over him. I don't even know what's come over me. Just a couple days ago I told myself that dating Miles is the last thing I would do and now I'm here just wanting him to come into my room, and hold me tight, and tell me he loves me. How much more pathetic can I get?

Morning eventually comes and I realize I haven't slept at all. Crap. 

I go about my day like I have the other past days where I do basically nothing except eat and watch TV. I almost forget about the date I have later today until Austin texts me that he'll be here in an hour.

I hastily search through my closet for something acceptable to wear and I manage to find a tight black dress that I can pair with some heels. I put on darker makeup than I usually would and style my hair in loose curls. 

The doorbell rings and I immediately run down the stairs.

"Alya, you look... wow." Miles says.

"Oh uh thanks." I awkwardly say, feeling my entire face burn up.

"Wait where are you going?" He asks.

"Austin is taking me on a date."


"Yes? Is there something wrong with that?"

"Alya, he's the biggest player at our school."

"Isn't that you?"

"I'm serious. I just don't want you to get hurt okay?"

"I'll be fine, geez."

I push past Miles and open the door to reveal Austin who instantly looks me up and down.

"Holy crap! You are one sexy piece of ass!" He says spanking me.

Although I really want to slap him for what he just did, I know I can't. Maybe he'll turn out to be a better guy once we actually get going. Maybe he's just really outgoing.

"Haha, thanks." I reply, attempting to play it cool.

"Great, let's go."

I walk outside and I'm astonished when I see that Austin drives a red hot Ferrari.

"You drive a Ferrari?!" I exclaim.

"Yep." He responds, sounding pretty confident.

I hop into the passenger seat beside him, and as soon as he pulls out of the driveway he speeds down the street.

I grip onto the seat below me, resisting the urge so scream for my life. I am absolutely terrified.

We eventually arrive at the fancy restaurant downtown that I've always gawked at, but never been able to afford since it's so outrageously expensive.

Austin must notice my astonishment because he giggles when he looks at me.

"You ever been here before?" He asks.

"No, but I've always wanted to. Is the food here good?"

"Outstanding, and I'll buy you anything you want."

Austin opens the door for me and escorts me into the restaurant that looks more like a castle. All of the previous thoughts about Austin only wanting me for my body go away fade away easily. Miles and Bianca were wrong, Austin is super sweet.

We take seats at a private table, the only one in one of the rooms.

"I hope you don't mind. I wanted us to have a little bit of privacy." He says.

"I don't mind at all. This is perfect." I reply.

The waiter comes to take our orders, and I get the most expensive entree on the menu. I feel kind of bad since I'm not paying for it, but Austin has a Ferrari for god's sake. I doubt he's struggling with money.

We spend the evening talking about school and laughing about embarrassing moments we've had in our life. It's honestly really nice.

After we finish eating he guides me outside where the luxurious fountain sits, sounded by flowers and lights. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

We both take a seat and the fountain steps and talk a little bit more for a while. Midway through one of my sentences, Austin turns to look at me. We make eye contact and I stop talking. He inches himself closer, and he guides his hand up to my cheek. He strokes it slowly before pulling me into a wet sloppy kiss. Although Austin's a great guy, his kissing skills certainly aren't. 

I fake a moan just to make him happy, and luckily he pulls away not longer.

"Alya, I really like you. You're not like the other girls. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Are you kidding? I would love to!" I exclaim and jump into his arms.

When he snuggles me into his shoulder, I forget I'm with Austin for a second and almost think it's Miles. Then the realization hits me. I'm Austin's girlfriend, yet I still have strong feelings for my best friend's brother. What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?

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