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The students of Keaton have recently been acting crazier than usual. That's because the annual dance is only a few weeks away, and people are starting to find dates already. Miles and Julie are already going together, so I've decided that I'm just going to go by myself. Bianca's going with Jax too, so I'm kind of alone I guess. It's okay though. I don't really mind, that much.

After school, Bianca and I make our way to the mall to go dress shopping. Although it sucks I don't have a date, at least I can dress up for myself.

"I'm so excited!" Bianca exclaims once we walk through the entrance of the downtown mall.

"Me too! This is our first high school dance!" I reply.

"I can't believe it! And my mom was feeling really generous this morning, so we can actually get some designer dresses!"

"Yay! Let's just hope we don't run into anybody from school though."

We make our way down to the main dress store that pretty much all the popular girls get their dresses from. There's dresses everywhere, and it's just what I imagined dress shopping would be like.

"Holy crap." I say.

"Holy crap indeed." Bianca replies.

I take a few more moments of looking around the store until I see it. The dress. It's in the back on one of the smaller mannequins, but even from far away I can tell it's the one.

"Bianca, I need that dress." I say, pointing over in the direction of the short strapless blue dress.

"Well then let's go get it. We have money to spend girlfriend!" She exclaims.

I can't help but run over to it, I just need to have it. 

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful." I say once I grab it.

"It would look so good on you Alya." Bianca says in awe.

"Maybe, but it would look better on me." Julie says, butting into the conversation.

"Well too bad Julie. Alya grabbed it first." Bianca snaps.

"I don't think so." Julie snaps back, snatching the dress right out of my hands.

"Oh hell no bitch! It is on! Alya, hold my hoops!" Bianca exclaims, taking out her earrings and handing them to me.

"Bianca I really don't think this is necess-"

"No it is necessary Alya! Imma take this hoe out!" Bianca yells again, before throwing a punch to Julie.

Instead of the punch hitting Julie directly in the face like both Bianca and I thought it would, it ends up being caught by Julie's hand.

"Don't mess with me freshman scum. You don't know what I'm capable of. Now please, let me try on MY dress." Julie says smirking, before throwing Bianca down to the ground.

Julie snickers as she walks away holding the dress, and it takes every ounce of my conscience to not walk over and punch her in the stomach. Instead, I help Bianca off the floor.

"Well crap. What are we gonna do now?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe we could ask someone who works here if they have a similar dress?"

"Ugh whatever. I give up." I sigh.

"Hey, are you guys finding everything alright?" An employee asks.

"Not exactly- wait. Don't you go to our school?" Bianca asks.

"Yeah. My name's Kit." The employee responds.

"Oh, well hi Kit. I'm Bianca and this is my friend Alya. We're having a bit of a dilemma. Do you know Julie Maslany?" Bianca asks.

"Unfortunately I do. Is she responsible for the problem?" Kit replies.

"Yeah kind of. You see, I just got in here and I saw the perfect dress in the back over here. So I went over to get it, and I grabbed it and everything. Then she came over here and snatched it right out of my hands. Then Bianca here tried to throw a punch at her, but Julie caught it and ended up pushing her to the ground." I explain.

"What a bitch. Hmm, I know which dress you're talking about, but I think I have something better. Follow me, I have stuff in the back." Kit says, motioning for us to follow her.

She leads us to the back of the store, and takes out her key unlocking the employee's only section.

"Here's the stuff that we haven't been able to put out yet because it's still so new and hasn't officially been released yet. You guys can pick anything you want, and since we don't know the official price of any of them, you guys can just take it, no payment necessary." Kit says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah it's really no problem. Besides, I like you guys. You're the first girls shopping here that haven't made fun of the fact that I actually need a job to pay for my dress."

"There's no need to be embarrassed for that. The dresses here are expensive, we get it. Thank you so much, really." Bianca says.

Although I was positive the dress I saw before was the one, I was quickly proven wrong.

"Hey Kit? Can I try this one on?" I ask, pointing to the nude, sequin covered dress.

"Sure! Here, just use this dressing room back here because the other ones get way too crowded." She replies pointing to the door behind here.

"Okay, thanks." I respond.

I quickly slip on the dress and I can't help but stare in the mirror. Damn, I look hot. I push the door open and walk towards Kit and Bianca.

"Well, what do you guys think?" I ask.

"You look amazing!" They exclaim simultaneously.

"Thanks!" I reply.

"Once Miles sees you in that, he's definitely going to regret going to the dance with Julie." Bianca says.

"Oh, like I care about what Miles thinks." I say.

"Keep telling yourself that Alya."

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