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So Alya had her date last night. With Austin. I'd be lying if I said I didn't care, but I don't know why. I have a girlfriend, and she's amazing. It's just... when I'm with Alya is different than when I'm with Julie. With Julie, all I wanna do is make out and have sex with her. But with Alya, I want to caress her, cuddle her, hug her, and kiss her, but not the same way I want to kiss Julie.

Wait a second. Do I like Alya? No, I can't. She's like a sister to me, right? Crap, I don't know anymore.

After only laying in bed 10 minutes after I wake up, Bianca comes rushing into my room with a panicked expression on her face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask startled.

"Miles, you need to see this." She replies handing me her phone.

I look down to see a picture of Austin with his arm around Alya captioned, "So happy to spend a perfect winter night with my girl."

I'm almost positive my face went pale. No no no. This is bad, this is horrible. Poor Alya, she doesn't know what Austin is capable of.

"Crap. What are we going to do?" I ask, handing her phone back.

"I don't know if we can do anything at this point. We might just have to wait."

"But you know what happened to that Kelly girl right? I don't want that to happen to Alya."

"Alya isn't going to get raped Miles. She's smarter than that."

"Well clearly not if she's dumb enough to date Austin."


"I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm worried about her. I care about her, a lot more than she thinks, and I want to say something but I can't. She'll think I'm just trying to make her life miserable."

"Miles, Alya doesn't hate you."

"She doesn't?"

"No of course not silly. The other day she was just talking to me about what a sweet guy you are for offering to help her with her singing, even though it was my idea. I let you take credit for it."

"Wow. I can't believe she doesn't hate me."

"Why are you smiling so much?"

"No reason."

"Wait a second, do you like Alya?"

"No of course not. Probably not. Maybe, I don't know."

"Ha! I knew it! Yes!"

"Keep your voice down Bianca! I don't want Alya to know about this. Besides, I'm not even sure if I like her anyways and we're both already in relationships."

"Well if you both weren't in relationships, would you make a move?"

"Maybe, I don't know Bianca. I have confusing feelings. I really like Julie, but I also might like- you know what fine, yep. I like Alya too. But my crush on Alya doesn't even matter. Like I said earlier, we're both happy in our relationships."

"Are you sure you're happy?"

"Of course I am, why not?"

"Because if you were really happy in your relationship, then you wouldn't always be thinking about someone else."

"I'm not always thinking about- okay fine. I am always thinking about her. But I think about Julie sometimes too!"

"Sometimes isn't the same as always."

"I know. I just need to get her off my mind."

"Are you sure you want that?"

"No. I don't. Not at all actually."

"Okay I can tell you're getting kind of stressed about this so let's change the subject. How's Alya's singing and entry coming along?"

"It's actually going pretty well. It took a lot of work but I've gotten her to be able to start singing more advanced song, and we've already decided on some lyrics for her entry."

"Yay! I'm so proud of her."

"Me too."

"Awwww, you guys are going to be the cutest couple ever!"

"Bianca, we are not a couple right now, nor are we ever going to become one."

"How bad do you want her Miles?"


"Not like that. I mean how badly do you want to be in a relationship with her? And don't even try lying to me saying that you don't want to be with her."

"Really badly."

"Well then you need to fight for her Miles. You know what? I actually think we should do something about this Austin thing. I'll help you."


"Just know, I'm only doing this so that you can bang Alya when this whole already dating other people issue is done."

"Well, I guess I wouldn't be complaining."

Sing for Me? // MilyaWhere stories live. Discover now