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I dash out back into the guest bedroom to see a pale, weak Alya shivering uncontrollably.

"So...cold." She mutters.

"I'll go get the heated blanket." I tell my mother before heading into my room.

I quickly grab the electric blanket and head back to Alya's shaking body. I plug it into the wall, and carefully wrap it around her, making sure she starts to feel more comfortable.

"I'll go make you some soup. Bianca come help me." My mother says while taking Bianca out of the room with her.

I take a second to look at Alya, and she's looking slightly less pale with a slight tint of color returning to her face.

"Thank god you woke up. Believe it or not, I was actually kind of starting to get worried about you." I say laughing.

Her face immediately crinkles up, and tears begin to slip down her fragile face.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to hurt your feelings. I'm really sorry." I say, gently pulling her cold body in my arms.

"No, it's not that. It just... I'm scared. Those people that attacked me, this isn't the first time. They said it would be last, but I... I just never know." She responds, sobbing.

"It's okay. Shhhh. It'll be okay, I'll protect you." I say, wiping the hot tears off her frigid face.

"Promise?" She asks.

"I promise." I say, looking straight into her eyes.

"Thank you." She says as she throws her arms around me.

I hug her back and we stay like that for a while. It feels... nice.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything here." My mom says giggling, interrupting us.

"Uh uh n-no. Definitely not." I stutter, pulling away and scratching the back of my neck.

I quickly scatter out of the room, feeling my face heat up immensely. I walk downstairs back into the living room to watch some TV. Bianca smirks at me when I take a seat next to her on the couch.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You're blushing." She replies.

"Uh no I'm not."

"Miles, your face is the color of a tomato."

"Clearly you need to get your eyes checked because I'm not blushing at all. And even if I was, it's because it's hot in the house, not because of Alya or anything. That would be crazy hehe. Goodbye." I say and angrily storm up to my room to finally get some sleep.


Miles has treated me surprisingly well. Ever since I woke up, I've felt safe, and loved even by Miles' family. Loved, a feeling I've never experienced before. I've never known what it's like to be cared for, but now I do, and there's nothing else in the world I want more.

I roll over in the comfortable bed they've given me, and look at the clock that reads 3:00 AM. My dad hasn't even noticed that I'm gone yet. He never does.

I spend the next hour attempting to get to sleep but to no avail. After a slight debate in my head, I finally decide to pick myself up and walk over to Miles' room. I slowly push the door, and it creaks open, most likely waking him up.

"Miles?" I whisper, stepping inside.

"Yeah?" He whispers back, turning around in his bed.

"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I."

"Well, what should we do?"

"It's already 4 in the morning. We could just hang out."

"Sounds good to me."

Miles turns the light on in his room, and we spend the next couple of hours playing board games and watching crappy sitcoms. He's actually a pretty cool guy. We both end up falling asleep again on the floor, with his arm snaked around my waist, and my head buried in his chest.

His phone rings, snapping us both back to the real world, waking us up.

"Sorry, I gotta take this." He apologizes.

His face turns into a smile once he hears the person's voice, and his smile continues to grow as he continues talking. After about 5 minutes, he hangs up and wears the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Oh it was Julie."

"Um, what did she want?" I ask nervously.

"Well she just wanted to check our plans for our date tonight."


"Yeah... Julie's my girlfriend now."

"Oh! Really? When did this happen?"

"A couple of days ago actually."

"Wow, great." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Why don't we continue watching sitcoms?" He asks.

"Sounds go-"

I'm interrupted by a loud knocking at the front door.

"I'll go get it." He says, and runs downstairs.

Since I have nothing else to do, I walk outside his room and slowly descend the stairs to follow him. He opens up the door to reveal... police men?

"Excuse me sir, is Alya Kendrick in here?" One of them asks.

"I'm right here!" I announce, walking down the rest of the stairs and to the front door.

"What's wrong?" I ask once I'm face to face with them.

"Alya, it's your father. He's dead."


Hey guys! Look who finally updated! I'm not dead I promise. I've just been outrageously busy with school and gymnastics, but now that I finally have Thanksgiving break I'm able to update this story. Expect another chapter of this story before Monday since I have a pretty decent break. Thank you all so so much for all the love and support this story has gotten. You guys are amazing! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you have any suggestions or predictions. Thanks again so much, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!



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