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(A/N I didn't proof read this because I just wanted to get it up as soon as possible, so sorry for any spelling or grammar errors)

He's gone. My whole family is gone.

"He overdosed on drugs, and left a suicide note. We're very sorry we have to give you this news Alya." The policeman says.

My father ended his own life. I guess I wasn't good enough for him. I'm not good enough for anybody.

My body collapses against my own will, and Miles is able to hastily catch me before I hit the cold floor. The door closes, and I sit there in Miles's arms, tears streaming silently down my face.

"I'm alone Miles. I'm all alone. There's nobody left, I'm the only one in my family still alive. I have nobody." I sob into his shoulder.

"Alya you're not alone. I'm here, and Bianca's here, and my parents are here too. We all care about you." He mumbles into my hair while rubbing my back.

All I can do is nod in return.

"Now go get some rest. You didn't get very much sleep last night." He says.

I nod again and go upstairs to finally get some well-deserved sleep.


I feel awful for Alya, like genuinely awful. Why does someone like her have to go through all this? She doesn't deserve this kind of pain and if I could take it for her, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I don't know why I feel so affectionate with her though. It's crazy how just in a couple of days she went from practically my mortal enemy, to someone I treat like a sister. It feels nice knowing that there's someone you care deeply for in your life. Not that Alya's the first one I've felt that for, and it's not in a romantic way at all. Obviously, right?

"Bianca!" I exclaim, running into her room.

"Miles, it's 6 in the morning on a Sunday. Leave me alone." She grumbles as she snuggles deeper into her bed.

"No you don't understand Bianca. Alya's dad is dead." 

"What?!" She exclaims, finally sitting up.

"He committed suicide in the middle of the night, and now Alya has nowhere to go."

"Well we have to adopt her!"

"Do you think mom and dad will be up for that?"

"They have to! Alya's a sister to me, and a daughter to them. It only makes sense considering she has no real family members left."

"Really? None of them?"

"Nope. They're all gone. They either drank themselves to death, or committed suicide. It just runs in her family I guess. Now do you see what I mean when I told you she's had a rough life? I don't want her to end up the same way."

I nod my head.

"Good. Let's go talk to mom and dad."

We both walk to our parents' room, where they are surprisingly both awake.

"Miles? Bianca? Why are you up early on a Sunday?" My father asks.

"It's about Alya." Bianca announces.

"Oh is she alright? Has she been able to go home yet?" My mom asks.

"Um about that, Alya doesn't really have a home anymore." I say.

"What do you mean?" My mom replies.

Bianca and I both look at each other before we have to deliver the bad news.

"Alya's dad committed suicide last night." Bianca says.

"Oh my goodness." My mom mutters, while my dad just puts a hand over his mouth.

"Can we please adopt her?" Bianca blurts out.

"Honey I would love too, but doesn't she have other family members?"

"No, mom. She has no one."

"Oh, well then we must adopt her! She's practically family to us!"

"Yay! I finally have a sister!" Bianca exclaims.

Usually I would've attempted to hide my smile, but this time I just can't help it.

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