#12 The Book

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He battled the dragons with mighty swords,
His bullies became puny before these fictional words.

She yearned for more, a sense of thrill,
Within the pages she found her heart's fill.

He adventured over mountains, seeking a life of note,
His books a solace, every word learned by rote.

Pages were her spaceships , taking her far and wide,
Her pen was the navigator which lead her joyride.

Two strangers, never to meet each other,
Still found a way to entangle their life together.

One was the captain of that paper boat,
With ink as its fuel, her ship stayed afloat.

Other was the passenger, who loved every road,
Books were ships where he wouldn't get bored.

They never saw, they never met, yet pages folded over,
To make a bridge, a bond to last forever.

The reader and the author, for whom fiction was real,
Found comfort in crisp papers, a friend surreal.

He found courage, and companionship too,
Out of cage, she found a way to breakthrough.

Bullies and cages were a distant dream,
When they had a book to read!

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