#18 Tolerance

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There was a town, mighty and happy,
Witches and wizards lived with gents and ladies.

Magic and might existed together,
Spells and trade worked with each other.

But alas! A day came, bringing a devil so evil,
Between the town, he created strife and upheaval.

Magic is might, or so the wizards thought,
We are no less, to their kids the humans taught.

And so the conflict continued, for years on end,
Until a night, came to the town, a friend.

He showed the magicians the magic of science and logic,
He revealed to the humans the science behind magic.

The friend told the town, not to fear the unknown,
The fabric of friendship, they once again should don.

The wizards understood the power, the strength of science,
The humans now respected magic, to which they showed defiance.

The Evil Devil was enraged, he set upon to destroy,
The town's helpful friend, who was a mere boy.

The Devil huffed and puffed, he tried to blow the friend away,
But the town stood firm, guns and wands drawn in a battle array.

They protected their little friend, wizards and humans alike,
The Evil Devil soon had to turn and give up the fight.

The Devil's departure delighted the town,
Around their friend, the townsfolk now surround.

Their gratitude boundless, they were indebted to him,
The little friend struck a fire when the light was dim.

Wizards and humans hailed him their saviour,
As the taste of their friendship they savoured.

"What is your name, dear friend?" Asked among the town's audience,
The little boy answered, "Call me Tolerance."


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