#44 Dear Human,

51 13 18

Perhaps you will never have the

strength like I do,

Yet you are so strong, even if you lose

your limb, you never lose hope.

Your will is so strong, so potent.

You let other humans cut you open

with blind faith, trusting them to heal you.

You survive each day on this planet

where temperature range from

freezing cold to burning hot.

Yet you never complain, just smile

and accept it as a part of fate.

You chase storms, you dive into your

vast oceans where creatures ten

times your size live.

Yet you have no fear.

Only a burning curiosity, a will to

learn about how's and why's of your dysfunctional world.

It's a pity that you have so less of a

lifespan, yet you never complain.

You are a lamp burning till it's very
last shred of wick.

So much curiosity, so much emotion is filled in you,

I fear sometimes it would burst out of you.

And when these emotions burst out,

you create wonderful pieces of art.

You channel your emotions into your ink and paints.

You turn your weaknesses into your strength.

You adapt and reengineer yourself

everytime you come across a problem.

So never think you are a weak person, my friend.

Because you, my emotional, little human, are very strong.

-Your friend from galaxies afar.

Humans are amazing creatures and we should never, ever forget that. If you ever feel lonely, sad, angry, unmotivated, remember there's a world out there waiting for you. You have so much capacity, just because you can't do one thing does not mean that you cannot do anything. Maybe the thing you can do isn't yet discovered. Maybe you'll learn to do something entirely unique and inventive. So, never sell yourself short, when you're worth millions of pearls in the sea and gazillion stars in the sky. And all you need to do is stretch the limits.

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