#40 Nightmare

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In the middle of dark night,
You suddenly wake up, eyes open.
It's just a bad dream again,
So you lie down again, but the room darkens.

And you are hyper aware,
Of the slightest changes in the window drapes,
How they move just enough,
Just enough to frighten you with scary shapes.

And so you close your eyes.
But you forget, oh dear!
That closed lids only enhances all other senses,
And you pull your legs towards yourself in fear.

And now hearing the sound of the fan creaking,
It is eerie enough, it never sounded that way in the morn,
Ticking of the clock is merciless,
Slightest brush of the wind makes you feel torn.

And closed eyes are no use,
So you open them again,
Lying on the bed, cocooned in the sheet,
You wait for a time to end the mental pain.

Stiff limbs but alert mind,
In the middle of the dark night,
What to do? It's so scary outside,
When will the things be alright?

Lying under covers,
Eyes move from corner to corner,
And try to forget the horrible nightmare,
Suddenly, your eyes fall on a picture familiar.

Well, those faces bring a smile to your face,
Unseen in the starless sky,
You slowly remember the good times and feel warm inside,
The window drapes now seem to  gently fly.

They no longer seem scary,
The sounds don't seem eerie,
The wind feels now soothing,
It's alright now, dearie.

You're no longer alone
When you remember the people you love,
All nightmares seem flimsy,
When you open memory treasure trove.
A gentle reminder is all we need to remember that we are loved, that somebody out there in this world loves us and appreciates us more than we do. Think about them when you feel down, sad or anxious. When you remember even one name, smile because remember that they're always there for you.

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