Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Savi's P.O.V.

'Stop the procrastination Savi!' my mind screams at me.

'Oh, yeah, yeah, I 'll get to that.'

Seriously, what should I do? I can't meet with Scarlett during lunch and talk about this, there would be too much distraction. There isn't much to do anymore. I guess in some way without me knowing, I've been making this place more lively.

As the bell rings, and all the kids go to their places, I nudge Scarlett. She turns to me and furrows her eyebrows when I stand on the desk. Well here goes nothing.

"Savi, I don't think-"

"Hello everyone, so I just wanted to say that, you guys need to be more lively, not wild and crazy, just at least, look alive. And teachers, make the kids do stuff that would be better for both of you guys, like Scarlett," I said while pointing at the frowning Scarlett next to me, "tells me that during art, you guys just blindly draw each other. Do something more fun so that next year, if you guys have this thing again, more kids will come and stuff like that." Great I was beginning to run out of ideas.

"Savi, get down from that desk right this instant!" My math teacher calls out.

Perfect. When I step off the desk, she hands me a pair of scissors. Scissors? Does she want to die or something. If she is promoting self harm, I will have to talk to someone about this.

"Go outside and cut the grass with those."

"No!" I fire back.

"Go now! Or will I just have to call your parents."

"Fine, fine." I huff before going out the door and slamming it in the process.

There was alot of whispers around the room before I left. The only thing that I understood though was something about a walk out in support of me. OK?

I got out to the field, but if they thought I was just going to cut the grass like that, they were hugely mistaken. I threw the scissors to the grass, making it the blade get caught on the ground, so that it was sticking up. Then I got the volleyball that Nicholas got me for my birthday and started passing to the wall.

A few minutes in I heard the door open and I thought it was going to be that teacher again, but it was just a few kids, okay, A LOT OF KIDS. So they went through with the walk out.

"WE WANT FUN! WE WANT FUN!" They chanted over again. I looked over at Jake and he just winked at me. I dropped the volleyball and ran to join the rally.

A whistle blew and we all went quiet.

"Fine! We will give you your fun, we decided to reduce math to only 45 minutes, more P.E. and for art, you guys will be making paper mashes and ornaments." Another teacher, that I didn't know his name, said.

"Woo! WE WON!" a little kid jeered. Aww how cute.


After math, we had fifteen minutes extra time because the P.E. teacher wasn't prepared to have us early. I started to think back on the many things that happened to me over the years, but all during summer and one memory comes back.


Exactly 1 Year Ago...

"Cole put me down!" I laugh as he carries me over his shoulder. Today is our 6th year best friendship anniversary. He told me that there would be a surprise if I went with him, then he slung me over his shoulder, and started carrying me. He knows how much I hate to be carried though.

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