Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Trouble When the Door Opened

Savi's P.O.V.

'Well that was interesting. Sarcasm is at its greatest here.' I think to myself as my teacher finishes up the lesson. I go through about seven more insulting or sarcastic comments in my head before the door opens.

"JAKE!" some squealy over-ecstatic, high pitched, mouse-like, okay you see where I'm going here, girl screams and I cover my ears. There, poor Jake was pulled into an embrace by the overly face-caked-with-makeup-girl, who seems to have this morning, bathed in her perfume.

If that's what a "typical girl" is like, I definitely don't want to be that.

I fake cough and slip the word fake in there and everyone's eyes are on me.

"What? Never seen a girl with a cold before?" Some snicker or rolls their eyes while the fake girl is full on glaring at me. Jake, by now, has turned red, either with embarrassment or- nope just embarassment.

"Savi, Scarlett, Jake, and Ryan, you may go to P.E." Ryan, Jake's other classmate, was just grinning madly at his classmate's dismay. We grabbed our clothes and started walking to the gym.

"Aww, I've missed you Jakey! I haven't seen you since the last day at school" The girl cooed.

"Aww Jakey hasn't seen his girlfriend isn't that sad!" I mimicked, putting a small pout on my face. Scarlett was laughing at everything.

Note to self. Ask Scarlett what the girl's problem is later.

"What are you doing her Crystal?" An annoyed Jake asked.

"What I can't visit my boyfriend without him knowing?" the girl-Crystal asked.

Ouch. Boyfriend? I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart right before it dropped to my stomach.

"Well, Scarlett, let's leave the love birds alone shall we?" I told Scarlett before grabbing her arm and pulling her to the gym.

"What a slu-" I think I heard Crystal say, but is cut-off by Jake yelling at her.


I changed, grabbed the ball, and started passing to Scarlett.

"Lockheart, get over here." Mr. Sir called me by my last name which meant he was serious.

"Uno momento seniorita." I told Scarlett as I ran over to Mr. Sir. Might as well practice Spanish now right?

"Lockheart, you and Jake, one on one when everyone gets here and you tell him the news." He said.

"Yes sir!" I probably had a huge grin on my face.

"Oh and Lockheart, give Johnson a beating he won't forget."

Woah, that was even more interesting that this morning. The net was set up, and all that was left to do was fetch Jake.

"Johnson! One on one at the net when the rest of the class gets here! Get changed fast, I already hear them." I told Jake as he came in, thankfully withought Crystal.

"Got it. Wait did you use my last name?"

"Yes, its International Last Name Day today duh." I say rolling my eyes and walking away.

"DON'T FORGET YOUR KNEE-PADS!" I screamed, not wanting to go in there and tell him myself.


Not long after the kids came, I was all prepped and ready to go for the scrimmage.

"Johnson, Lockheart, Rock-Paper-Scissors, who gets first serve."

I won so I though I would try something different. Jump Serving. Anyone who saw me play a real game knew to fear me when jump serving, especially if you are on the other side of the court.

The whistle blew and I threw the ball up in the air. My eyes never leaving the ball, I do my approach and- KILL!

The fear in his eyes made me want to laugh, but curl up into a ball at the same time.

The whistle blew again and I just did a regular serve. He easily picked it up with his own bump. I set and he spiked it! It hit the ground before I reached it diving in what I like to call a perfect pancake position. So close. Yet so far.

I got up and Jake was smirking at the other side of the court. He was about to serve but then-

"GO JAKEY! DESTROY HER WOO!" Crystal's squealy voice made his serve only hit net.

"Ever heard of blocking the crowd out Jake?" Sir shouted.

My serve again and as the whistle blew, I did another jump serve. I focused on nothing but the ball, blocking everything out. Just like that, everything turned slow motion and I knew this would be a perfect serve. For me, the definition of a perfect serve was when the ball hit the far back of the court, either at the line or before the line making the opponent think it is out. The serve was just that.

"AWW COME ON JAKEY YOU'RE BETTER THAN HER!" Her screams are so ear piercing.

I call timeout and explain to Sir to either tell her to shut up and sit down or leave.


The match ends with me winning a 3-set game. Would have been two but Sir said to just play more and take time.

I smile devilishly and whisper my evil plan to Scarlett who happily obliges.


"Wait what?" Jake said quickly but poor him couldn't catch up on time.

A ball hit his stomach sending him falling to the ground, spiked by the courtesy of me and the ball from Ryan. The entire class, including the teachers, was enjoying our little show.

"Ow!" Jake screamed.

"NICHOLAS!" I yelled.

"Here!" Nicholas was there cracking up, holding his phone recording the entire thing!

That was just the beginning of my grand plan.

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