Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen


Savi's P.O.V.

"Oh hey babe." I spoke to my boyfriend. I'm probably the worst girlfriend ever. Almost cheating on her boyfriend, not to mention the fact that I even forgot we were dating for almost a month.

"Oh hey babe. That's all you can say to me on our One Month Anniversary." Matt screamed into the speaker.

I turned to Jake and say he was feigning hurt. I didn't mean for him to hear this. Did he really like me?

"Oh yeah, sorry I've been busy with... work?" It came our more as a question than an answer.

"Really work? What type of work?" He was obviously not believing my dumb excuse.

"School work," then it hit me, I was in a Summer Program "my mom put me in a summer program to improve my grades for high school."

"Then what are you doing hanging around with another guy?" This time when he spoke, I could tell he was losing his temper. That, and I swear I heard and echo.

"Are you seriously having someone watch me?" I say this with disbelief and disgust. How dare he!

"That and I'm standing right behind you." What? I was facing towards Jake which means...

"Turn around sweetheart." I heard Matt say, then the line went dead.

I was always afraid of Matt, especially when he lost his temper. He wouldn't hit me, but he would hit things, objects, anything that was near him. We've only been dating a month, but we always fought, so I knew his temper.

I pleaded to Jake with my eyes to run. Run away from the pain he was about to feel. I've seen what Matt can do and I'm terrified for Jake. I turned around and saw a scarier version of the person who I was dating.

His hair was smoothed back with gel. His creepy, green eyes, which are nothing like Jake's beautiful green orbs, raked my body up and down. Gross. A leather Jacket, black shirt, black jeans, and boots, completed his outfit. I looked up to his face and he caught me staring at him.

"Like what you see?" He said with a cocky smirk on his face. He either misread my feelings, of pure and utter disgust and hatred, for lust?! Of all things.

"N-no." Stuttering really Savi?

"Your mouth seems to disagree." His smirk only growing bigger.

"GET AWAY FROM HER CREEP!" Jake said pushing me out of the way and tackling Matt to the ground.

"I'm her boyfriend! YOU get away from her." He said in a commanding tone.

"Let's go Savi." Matt said, getting up and walking towards me attempting to grab my arm, but I pulled away.

"NO! WE. ARE. DONE!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You will regret this baby."

"Don't call me that!" I hissed.

"Leave!" Jake spoke before I got the chance to tell Matt to do the same.

"Bye baby." He left, blowing me a kiss.

I winced.

"I believe we both have some explaining to do to each other." Jake said before wrapping his arms around me.

I only nodded.


"And that Matt guy?" Jake started the conversation early.

"I was dating him. His friends basically bullied my friends. I wanted to stop it and protect them. He came up with the idea of us going out. He looked nice at first, then I saw his true colors."

"What was that about almost killing someone."

"You heard that. My friends were right. I do talk to myself."

"Ya you said it out loud."

"Oh. Anyways. I was at a party a few months ago and some guy started getting touchy with me by picking up my shirt. I grabbed his hair and started slamming his head to the ground. Then ended up having to call the ambulance. He never pressed charges though because if he did, I would have sued for sexual harrassment."


"So what is that thing that Crystal is holding against you."

Jake's P.O.V.

I basically explained my whole story to her and she completely understood.

"If I was there I would have beat her up for you."

Savi's P.O.V.

After Jake and I had our explanation thing, we sat down just talking about random things. Scarlett, Nicholas, and Ryan were sitting accross from Jake and I.

I can't help but stare at Ryan, he looks to familiar.

"Hey, do I know you from somewhere?" I quickly asked him not being able to keep it in much longer.

"Uh? I don't know." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"What's your last name?"


"Dude! Savi. Savi Lockheart! From elementary." That's where he was from!

"Savi Lavyyy. I lost your number after we moved!" He said, but I can't help but notice a little bit of fake happiness.

"Haha! I can't believe you still remember that!"

"Oh there's my ride!" I said grabbing my bags and heading for my car when Ryan stopped me.

"It was also me at the party, with your shirt. Also, since I was one of the two best friends you had in elementary, guess who's number two. That's right. Matt." He whispered and chills ran up my spine. I looked back and he had an evil look on his face.

Should I turn around. Ha. Nope.

And just like that, right on cue. I got a call from Matt, which I instantly declined.

I deleted and blocked his contact.

New Text from Blocked Number

Well that was for nothing.

tell your friend Ryan I said hello.

Matt x

just in case you already deleted my contact. ;) I'll be waiting baby.


I was still getting shivers from this afternoon and it was already evening. No amount of happy thoughts could shake those words from my head. Not just Matt's, not just Ryan's, not even Crystal's, but everything. Everyone. Who could I trust now?

Who was in on this too? Who can I trust? No one, that's who. Scarlett? Nicholas? Jake?

I hate this. Especially not being able to know who to trust.

Looks like I'm sleeping with a knife under my pillow.

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