Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Who is it Going to Be?

Savi's P.O.V.

Us? What does that make us? I really want to give Cole another shot, but that logical side in my brain is screaming at me to reject him because he would hurt us again. Would he do that again? I don't even think he is aware of the hell he put me through. 

Jake. What about him? I've only known him for two weeks, yet, my heart is telling me to give him a chance. Well heart, you know what I say to that? Shut up. You were the one who wanted me to go through with Cole so, just keep pumping to blood through my body and we'll be fine.

Luke? There's nothing to say about him. We don't have feelings for each other. Right?

I don't know what is going on. My mind has never been on the topic of boys before.

Well Cole was always there, but aside from him, It has always been either Volleyball or family.

I don't like this change in me. My personality, EVERYTHING. It has all been just messed up from me attending this summer program. I wouldn't have gone soft. I wouldn't be shedding tears over boys. I wouldn't even be shedding tears at all! I was a tough girl before all of this. No crying over something as silly as spilled milk.

"Did you just call our relationship spilled milk?" Cole cuts into my thought. Man, I really have to stop thinking out loud.

"It's nothing really. Anyways I have to get home. My mom is probably wondering where I am considering we called 30 minutes ago and I'm still not home. My house is 5 or 6 blocks from here and she doesn't want me to take the shortcut anymore."

"Oh yeah, I didn't even realize what time it is. I have to get back to Ma- I mean my cousin. He has me on a job or something." He tells me, but a red flag rises, telling me he's lying; he broke eye-contact and he is rubbing the back of his neck. I've known him for plenty years; this is a sure fire sign that he is lying. I decide to brush it off though, I don't think it could be anything of importance to me.

"I'll see you around Cole." I know that he knows that I just caught him lying; the nervousness is radiating off of him. Did the first part sound confusing? I feel like it did even in my head.

I start on the walk and I'm not even a few feet away from the restaurant when I notice a black SUV pull up beside me. The person inside is wearing a black hoodie and shades to cover his face.

"Get in!" the mysterious voice said.

I didn't listen and started running away. The car was quickly gaining speed and I knew I was never going to make it to my house on time, no matter how fast I ran.

The back alley way. That was my only chance to get out of the situation I was in. Wait. No! It's been blocked off. I still ran toward it, hoping I could lose the car.

When I reached to alley, I noticed something with wheels on it. MY SKATEBOARD! I thought I lost this a long time ago. I picked it up and there wasn't much damage to it.

This is my only way out. This is it. Right now, I'm only hoping that I remember how to ride it.

Welp, here goes nothing. Second time I said that today. Weird huh.

A few pushes from my feet and I'm off.

"Later, sucker!" I yell at the car that was currently (and illegally) parked on the sidewalk.

I only get a few feet away and the car catches up to me.

And a big rock is in the way. Okay, it wasn't big, but I was going too fast to stop, and too close to make a sudden turn.

Just like that, everything turns slow and I am greeted with a painful sting on my arms.

"Savi! Are you alright?" The mysterious voice asks.

"Ahh! Get away!" I start throwing punches everywhere, my eyes are closed, so I don't think I'm getting anywhere.

"Savi, calm down. It's just me, Luke." He says and I open my eyes, sure enough, Luke is standing there with a grin plastered on his face.

"You scared me, you jerk!" I throw a punch at his arm.

"Ow! Totally worth it though, you should have seen your face!" By now he is laughing so hard that tears are coming out of his eyes.

"Whatever, help me up." I huff out.

"Do you need a ride, wherever you are going?" He asks while hoisting me up and i go to assess the damage done. Minor scratches on my arms and legs, a few bruises might appear tomorrow oh and did I mention, my skateboard broke!

"Well no duh, I would need a ride, my board broke!" I gesture my hands over to my worn out skateboard. I had a good run with this one. Memories of me at the skatepark with friends. Good times.

"Fine, where are you headed." He walks over to his car and I do the same, but get in the passenger's seat.

"I'll give you directions." I sigh

"Take a right ahead. No not there up there. Okay now take a left there. That's right, not left. No that wasn't right, you took a right. Okay, there that's my house."

"Bye Savi!" he shoots me a wink before I slam the door.

"Bye stalker!" I say as I walk to the front door.

Author's Note

Sorry, I've had writers block. This is the only thing that I can generate in my mind right now.

The Hobbit 2: Desolation of Smaug was AMAZING! So I had a Lord of the Rings marathon, in honor of its awesomeness. And Legolas, he is one handsome guy. His hairstyle in the movie was my hairstyle for New Year's Eve, because I had a party. the picture of him is to the side ->

Happy New Year! 2014! I hope it's going to be great!

See you next update!


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