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I was in a filthy mood. It was mid February and I was sitting in the dining room eating ice cream and avoiding work by messing about on Facebook and signing up to twitter and tumblr. I'd gotten my period the day before, something that was rare thanks to my birth control implant. But because it was rare, when it happened it was like the elevator scene from 'The Shining'. My cramps were debilitating and it made me an emotional wreck. It was like I was walking a tight rope and if I fell of in one direction it was pure rage, and the other side was an ocean of sadness. Not to mention I was horny as fuck.

Poor Chris even though we had been living together for almost a year now, and we'd been engaged for three months, he had never experienced being around me on my period. His acting work had simply taken him out of town for so long he'd managed to luck out and skip them all. I'm glad he had sisters because when I started screaming at him after I had burned the dinner I'd been cooking, and somehow made that about him, and then I'd broken down into ugly tears, he'd kind of known exactly what to do. I mean he wasn't perfect, but he hadn't gotten defensive, or angry at me. He'd just taken over in the kitchen and let me rage at him. My tiny little Mexican firecracker of a friend Gaby had eventually stepped in and saved him from me, taking me down to the bedroom and giving me a joint.

Basically just everything was annoying me. My stupid long hair was making me feel hot and bothered and I'd tried tying it in a bun, but it kept falling down. I needed to recolour it too, the pink parts had faded out too fast this time, and now the ends looked purple, blue, green and weird orangey yellow. I was wearing sweats and a singlet, and I'd taken enough painkillers to take out a small elephant, but nothing was helping.

A message popped up from my friend Shan, my best friend in Australia who was now married to my best friend from high school, Amelia. As I read it, I broke down in tears. Chris chose that moment to come into the room holding a handful of mail. I saw him hesitate, and glance back to the door deciding if maybe it might be a good idea to run for it.

"What's wrong, Em?" He asked, coming around behind me and putting his hand on the small of my back.

"Amelia lost the baby." I sobbed and turned on him, hugging him around the waist, burying my face into him.

He hugged me to him, stroking my hair. "Oh god, Em. That's ... I can't even think of any words for how awful that is. She was pretty far along now wasn't she?"

"Like 5 months. This is fucking terrible." I cried. "I don't know what to say to them. Shan said that Mealy doesn't want to talk about it. I feel helpless."

"I can't even imagine anything worse happening." Chris sighed. He had tears welling in his eyes, but he brushed them away. "Shall we send them something?"

"What do you send someone when they just lost their baby? How can anything express the feelings I'm having for them?" I pulled away from Chris and turned back to my computer and began writing a reply to Shan. Trying to put down all my feelings of grief and sorrow for them into words and letting them know that I was here for them if they needed me.

"I'm sure that the gesture would be appreciated." Chris said, rubbing my shoulders. "But whatever you want to do, babe."

I pulled open google and searched for florists in Canberra. We selected an arrangement of potted tulips. I thought maybe if they wanted to they could plant them and every year they'd have a little reminder of their baby. Chris actually started crying as he helped me find the words I wanted for the card. Even though these were my friends and he barely knew them, the idea of losing a child was something that was inconceivable to him. His sister Carly was pregnant again, and I think the idea that it could happen to her too was just a little too close to home for him.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now