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The week before my birthday Gaby flew into town to visit. We did it under the premise of her working, so it was expenses paid, and she was able to stay in a nearby hotel and didn't have to hole up on our couch. I was so excited to have her back. I was equally excited that she got to meet Shan and Amelia. Chris hired a minivan for the week and was chauffeuring us all over the place. We went to Disney, Lego Land and down to San Diego. We even went into TJ for a day.

My birthday was on a Wednesday. Given that Thursday was Thanksgiving, we'd kind of moved my celebrations forward and drew it out over a longer period of time. On the Friday Tom flew in to spend some time with us. I was basically buzzing the whole week. I hadn't had so many people I loved together at once in, well ever.

Chris threw a 'surprise' party for my on Saturday. I say surprise. I mean, I knew. All my friends were there. It was pretty obvious something had drawn them all into a foreign country other than a weird sudden sense that they should be with me on my birthday.

He invited some of my work colleagues and a bunch of his friends.

Most everyone had left by midnight. By 1am Shan and Amelia called it a night heading for the guest room and all that was left was Chris, Tom and I, drunk in the hot tub.

I snuggled down into Chris' shoulder and put my feet in Tom's lap.

"You ever think about that week we had?" Chris asked.

Tom shifted uncomfortably. "Yes. Of course I do. I've never done anything like that before. I think about it all the time." Tom answered. I looked up at him and he looked away from both of us.

"Yeah. I do too." Chris said. "Em and I seek out girls to do the three way thing with from time to time. That was different though." He furrowed his brow.

"Too bad you turned into a complete cock waffle, or we could do it again." I said tapping him on the cheek.

Chris and Tom started laughing.

"Did you just call me a cock waffle?" Chris said through his laughter. "I don't even know what that means."

"Yes, you do." I said.

"Yeah, I suppose I do."

There was a long pause and I closed my eyes. I was glad we were talking about it. I was also glad to be here with them.

"Do you want to do it again, Emmy?" Tom asked breaking the silence.

I opened my eyes and looked from Chris to Tom. I didn't answer right away. I wasn't sure how to. "I do. That week was ... I can't even describe it. But not at the expense of any of what we have now. It would kill me."

"What if it didn't have to? What if just from time to time, if Tom was happy to and single, we organised some things for you?" Chris asked.

I groaned and wriggled in the water. "Chris. You lost your fucking mind before."

"Yeah, but not until after. When I thought you were going behind my back. I see you guys for what you are. I'm fine with it now." He said. "I trust you both. And I liked it. So ... ?"

I didn't answer. I wanted Tom to say something. Say 'excuse me, I'm not your sex toy' or something, because I wanted this. I really did. I was scared though. It felt like we were about to drop a bomb on our relationship and destroy everything we had.

Tom shifted in his seat. He put his hand on my calf. It wasn't sexual at all. Just a natural place to rest his hand. It send a jolt through me like he'd pressed directly on my clit. He opened his mouth and then closed it again shaking his head. "I really enjoyed what we did. It was something I never thought I'd get involved in. I like this better. When I thought you might break up because of me, that hurt. A lot. If we can work out a way to have both without ruining this, I'm all for it." He said eventually.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now