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After we got back from lunch Chris and I were lying on the couch together, kind of making out. Mostly just tangled together, touching each other while we talked. We'd been going over what had happened with the nude photo being put out there. I'd told him it was Richard. He assured me that it was still not my fault it had happened. I had cried through my retelling of how this whole thing made me feel,. He'd held me, letting me get it all out. When I had, we moved on to our line of attack.

"So, here's the thing, Em." Chris said, his fingers walking up my spine. "I couldn't give a shit what people think of us. They'd move on. But there is a morality clause in my Marvel contract."

I groaned pressing my face against his chest. "I'm sorry, Chris."

"Stop saying sorry, ya meatball. It's not your fault. How many times do I have to say that already." He scolded. "Brad has been talking them down, you know, that we've been violated, that that was a private thing in our own home. Blah blah. Molly is now pushing for us to be seen out together, doing wholesome, in love, sweet, couple things."

I laughed. "Well that's new."

"I know, right?" He chuckled. "So, we need to figure out some cute things to do that we invite paps along to. Are you okay with that?"

I started kissing him again. The need to just suddenly swept over me. He stroked my hair as out lips caressed each others. "Yeah. That's fine." I sighed when I finally pulled away again. "What were you thinking?"

He shook his head. "What were we talking about again? Oh, wholesome activities. Right."

I laughed.

"I thought Disney. Disney is always a winner right?" He said.

"Oh yeah! Any excuse for Disney is fine with me." I chirped.

"We could also do something that kind of makes my skin crawl. We tell them where and when we'll be grocery shopping or going for a jog." He suggested.

I scrunched up my nose. "Ew, that does sound gross. I guess if you think it will help."

He shrugged. "It was something that was strongly suggested we do." He said. "And we could probably go to a sports game."

I groaned loudly. "Please don't tell me I have to sit through fucking American football."

He pinched my side and I squawked.

"I will get you to like it one day."

I rolled my eyes. "Unlikely, but if that does happen, I'm supporting the Colts."

He pinched me again. "I'd tell you to get out of this house, but I'm impressed you paid enough attention to say the Pat's rival team." He laughed. "We could do Baseball instead."

I groaned even louder than before. "That's even worse! How about we go see the fucking world championship paint drying contest."

"Coming from the woman who likes cricket." He scoffed.

"Come close for a second, I have a secret to tell you." I said gesturing with my finger for him to come closer. When his ear was pressed up to my mouth I whispered in it. "I fucking hate cricket."

Chris burst out laughing, rocking back and falling off the couch, dragging me onto the floor with him so we were lying in a tangled pile on the ground. "Why do you keep making my family play it at Christmas then?"

I pulled myself free from him and crawled back onto the sofa. "That's backyard cricket. It's not the same. Watching cricket is torture."

As Chris climbed back on the couch my phone chirped and I went to see who had texted me. It was Tom. He'd seen a fox in his garden and sent me a photo of it.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now