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Gaby's farewell was the following night. We were hosting it out our place. As people started arriving a few more paparazzi gathered around the gates. I guess hoping for some celeb sightings. The joke was on them though, aside from Scott and Zach it was entirely Gaby's friends. Her family had come up from San Diego. As had a bunch of her childhood friends. There were some other local friends from here and there, as well as colleagues from the University.

I wanted to make it really fun for her, but instead I just followed her around like a sad puppy. I kept randomly bursting into tears which would set Gaby off and we'd just stand there crying until someone came and separated us.

Because Chris was now starting to get a lot more media attention and also because a massive percentage of Gaby's friends were huge geeks, Chris was getting a lot of attention at the party. He was posing for a lot of selfies, signing things, giving out a lot of hugs. After a while he came seeking me out.

"Hey, Em." He said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I leaned into him. "Hello, my love."

"Could you fake being weird and clingy for a bit? Like, just be all over me?"

I laughed. "Sure. Why?"

"Just, I must have flirted with Gaby's friend or something. I think she's gotten the wrong idea, and she's started saying some really full on things. I've said I'm not interested and I'm engaged, but she won't stop. I don't want to have to kick her out, because Gabs."

"What if I just go talk to her?"

Chris let me go and bounced from one foot to the other. "Okay. But also clingy?"

I gave him a shove. "Were you over there getting hit on and making this plan up in your head to get it to stop and then getting all turned on by your plan?"

"Maybe." He said grinning at me and raising his eyebrow.

"You know Gaby is sleeping in with us tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Don't care, still want you to be all over me."

I put one hand on each side of his face and then smooshed his cheeks. "Okay, sweetie pie." I grimaced and wiped my tongue with my hand. "Nope, that was gross. Can't call you that. Going to go talk to the girl. Which one?"

Chris pointed over to a group of girls from a Harry Potter fandom group Gaby and I attended from time to time. "The one in the red shirt."

"Hi guys!" I said greeting the group. "Having a good time?"

"Oh my god! Emily! How is Chris Evans here? Oh my god! I loved him since The Nanny Diaries. And that cap movie, have you seen that? Oh. My. God!" Amanda, the tall red haired girl in the group squealed.

I drew in my breath over my teeth. I guess I hadn't talked about my life with these women much. "This is Chris Evans' house."

"It's what?" Amanda shrieked. "I thought you and Gaby lived here."

"I live here. Gaby was just staying with us for the last few months."

Three of the women's hands flew to their mouths.

"Mei, do you get what I'm saying here?" I said turning to the girl Chris had identified as the aggressive flirter. "We're engaged. You're making him feel really uncomfortable."

Mei's eyes went wide. "Oh god! I'm so sorry, Emily. I didn't realise." She squeaked. "Wait, aren't you in a relationship with Gaby?"

I laughed. "No. Gaby and I are just good friends. Chris and I are getting married."

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now