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The offer on the house was accepted. I don't know that I'd ever been more excited about anything before. I had so many ideas for how that house could be our home.

With two weeks to the wedding we returned to LA. Chris had his bachelor party in Vegas over the course of a whole weekend. I'd get these random text updates from his friends trying to get him into trouble. Photos of him gambling, getting lap dances, drunk and passed out. He looked like he was having an amazing time. Kind of wished that I could have had my hens in Vegas to be honest.

The last details and fittings happened on my dress so that when I finally took it home with me it fits perfectly. The bodice hugged my skin so that it looked like the black embroidery was painted directly onto me. I was so in love with this dress.

My stress didn't settle at all. I pretty much felt constantly nauseated. The idea that I had to get up and declare my love for Chris in front of all those people was freaking me out. The fact that it was now becoming pretty clear that there was going to be a media circus outside the zoo when we got married too. I kept just repeating 'we should have gotten married in Boston' any time I got more news about the over the top excitement that the Australian media seemed to have about Captain America marrying one of their own.

I did get my green card with one week before the wedding. That made me feel like a whole weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was actually getting to the point that I was worried they'd stop letting me back into the country after each time I left. Certainly every security check was getting more and more complicated.

With five days to go, we boarded the plane to Sydney and settled ourselves into our seats. I threw up on take off.

"Em, are you sure you aren't actually sick?" Chris asked, coming into my pod when the fasten seat belts lights finally got turned off.

"I don't think so. I keep grinding my teeth too." I said shifting in my chair to let Chris squeeze in with me. "I might see if Amelia can change what we do for the hen's though. I don't feel up to late night drinking. Maybe we can do day spa instead. I need to chill."

Chris adjusted us both so my head was pressed against his chest. "Are you getting cold feet? You can tell me. I won't be mad."

I sat up and looked him in the eye. "No! I want to marry you. Just there's been so much going on. My job. The wedding planning. Buying houses. You leaving town to film Snowpiercer. It's all going to be done with soon and I'll be your wife and we'll be down in Freycinet with the beach and the mountain climbing and bushland and the bath that looks over over the beach, and the ginormous bed. I'm sure I'll be feeling just fine by then."

Chris relaxed back and I lay down onto him again. "You're going to be my wife." He whispered.

"And you're going to be my husband. Aren't we so grown up now?"

A flight attendant passed by and offered us drinks. Chris got a beer and I stuck with ginger ale. I don't even like ginger ale. That's how shitty I felt.

"Chris started stroking my hair and humming to himself. I realised it was 'Kiss the Girl' just as I drifted off to sleep against him.

* * * * *

Amelia rather disappointingly changed my hen's to a day spa thing. It meant Tom and Shan couldn't come along because we were all naked a lot. I mean I wouldn't have cared and I'm sure Ronnie didn't give a shit, the rest of the women probably weren't super keen on it.

Lisa, Shanna, Carly and Tara even came which was amazing.

Around three in the afternoon we were all getting mani-pedis. I was in a massage chair my feet in hot water, when the strippers arrived. I cracked up laughing as Ronnie and Amelia pulled me up and moved me to a chair in the middle of the floor.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now