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Chris and I went back to collect East from LA and flew to Boston the next day. I'd realised that with Shan and Amelia visiting in November we were going to have to spend most of that month back in LA. So we didn't want to waste any time hanging around.

Chris was of course as happy as he gets being back home. He was relaxed and like a more him version of him. Plus the Boston accent came back big time. Didn't even need alcohol or anything.

Lisa started pressing us to sort of more wedding details. She really did have a point, it was catching up to us and neither of us had actually even asked anyone to be our bridesmaids or groomsmen yet. So we sat down at the huge dining table at his mum's place one Thursday to try and get the plans properly under way.

"God, look at how big your guest list is compared to mine. Poor no friends, Emily." I laughed looking over his list of potential guests.

"I'll be your friend, Emily. We can hang out sometimes. Go see a movie." Chris teased pressing his thigh against mine.

A knot had formed in my stomach as I looked over the names. "I think we shouldn't have changed destinations though. Look at all these people who are going to have to get to Australia. Fuck, Chris ..." My hands had started trembling. I felt like a full blown panic attack was about to hit me.

Chris' hand went to the back of my head and he turned me to face him, looking into my eyes. I took a deep breath focusing on that little bit of green that made the blue more blue in his eyes. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Em. I want you to have this day. It's for you." He assured me. "Don't worry about my friends. Look, RDJ is on the list, he could afford to fly the whole rest of the list by himself. Most of my friends have money. The ones that don't I can help out. It's fine. Don't feel guilty for having the wedding day you want."

"It's just ..."

"No. It's just nothing. Emily, it's fine. It will be fine."

I leaned in and kissed him, my forehead pressed against his.

We broke apart and I turned back to our pile of notes.

"So for bridesmaids and groomsmen what were you thinking? The only thing I have in my head is I don't want there to be heaps, maybe no more than four really. And for us to have the same number. But I guess I can be flexible if you really can't narrow the number down." I said.

"Okay. Well I want Scott to be my best man." He answered. "Zach probably. Could I ask you a favour?"


"Could Tara be a bridesmaid?"

I looked at him puzzled. "But she's your friend, Chris. Why don't you want her with you?"

"Wouldn't that be weird? Having a girl on the men's side?"

I laughed. "Tradition! Oh no! It's our fucking wedding, we can do what we want."

"Fuck yeah we can!" Chris cheered. "Alright, Scott, Zach, Tara. Awesome. I'm wicked psyched."

"I wonder what Tara should wear. God! What do my bridesmaids wear? What do I wear? How do you get married? Why are we doing this again?" I slumped onto the table.

"You're going to work out dresses with Amelia very soon. Jesus Christ woman, you need to chill out."

"Maybe we should just get married in Vegas tomorrow."

Chris laughed and ran his hand down my back. "You don't really want that. And I want my pretty girl to be in her pretty cupcake dress."

I groaned.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now