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The photos released by the paparazzi ended up being kind of amazing. There were a few where I was looking a little lost or dazed, but most of them seemed to want to focus on the time around when we met the little cap fans. They had taken a lot of photos of him with his hand on my stomach and everyone was speculating that I was pregnant. There were a few of us kissing and one where he'd pressed his forehead to mine. I honestly really loved a lot of the photos. The candid capture of some of those really pure moments between us was lovely. I think because we'd invited them it hadn't really felt like a violation at all.

It looked like the general consensus was we looked cute and in love by the public. There were a lot of people who had just jumped on me for being an attention whore and not good enough for him, but there wasn't a hell of a lot I could do about that. Not everyone was going to love me. I couldn't expect them to.

I reopened up my twitter account to the public and started using it as a general what's happening in my life thing. I would block people who were really nasty or disgusting, but most people weren't too bad. Any time I posted something about Chris, particularly if it included a photo my twitter feed would go crazy. I posted the photo taken of Chris and I together on the set of First Avenger with Chris in his Cap Uniform. That was a particularly popular tweet.

With equal parts money and luck we found an Australian wedding planner to help us organise the wedding and we were able to find a weekend in September where both Taronga Zoo and a cruise ship that were both available. Other than that we once again put wedding stuff on the back burner. There was still plenty of time. We would probably need to fly to Australia to meet with wedding celebrants. I had also flicked through some bridal magazines and hated every single dress in them. I had called Amelia in Australia totally freaking out about it. She assured me we'd be able to find something and even suggested that she and Shan come spend some time with us in November. I was so excited by the idea, Chris and I booked them both first class flights over as a gift. Shan sent me a message thanking me, he said it was the first time Amelia had actually seemed excited by something since they lost their baby.

My paper was accepted to Science magazine. I couldn't believe it. It was still going to be some time before it was published but an article in Science meant I was now a sought after academic. It was a big deal.

Chris was still having a bit of trouble dealing with my friendship with Tom though. He was trying, but every time I received a text he'd look over at me and ask who it was. When it was Tom, and it usually was, most of my other friends communicated through facebook, he looked like I'd hit him in the guts. I honestly didn't know what to do. I hated hurting Chris like this, but even more I hated that the thing that was hurting him was that he still didn't trust me to have a friend. He was trying though.

It wasn't until New York Comic Con in October that the three of us were able to actually find time to be in the same room together. We met up in the lobby of the hotel. I had this mixed feeling of excitement and dread. I was so happy to see Tom again, but if this didn't work. If Chris couldn't move past this, I wasn't sure what that would mean for us.

I decided it was important that Chris see me with Tom exactly as I would be if he wasn't there. I wasn't going to hold back my affection for him or it would just be me lying. So when I saw Tom standing at the lobby bar, I ran up to him throwing my arms around his neck. He hesitated initially, glancing nervously at Chris, but he quickly returned the hug.

"Hello, Emmy!" He grinned letting me go. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

He turned to Chris and went to hug him too, but Chris had gone for a handshake and it ended up being this awkward half hug thing.

"Alright you two, we're getting fucking rat shit drunk. This is ridiculous."

So we did. We stayed at the bar drinking. Gradually Tom and Chris relaxed around each other. I started seeing them as they were before Chris had this weird bout of jealousy. They were never going to be close friends, but they relaxed and they started having fun. As the night went on some of the other cast members from the Avengers found us and it became a little bit of a party. It drew a little bit of a crowd of fans wanting photos and autographs but generally everyone was just relaxed and having a good time.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now