Chapter 1

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^ Lily Collins as Abigale.


I was never able to have a normal childhood. The misery started for us when my mum died. My father had a hard time coping with it, which resulted in him finding his escape in alcohol. This affected my childhood heavily since I was forced to grow up faster than normal, just so I could take care of both of us. 

This year I had finally finished high school. It was dual. On one hand, I was happy to be starting this new chapter in my life, but on the other hand, it brought new struggles along. My dad can't afford college, so now I'm obliged to find myself a job. I'm hoping to be able to afford college after working for a year or two. I really needed that degree. 

And that's what brings us here today, in an employment office. 

"I've never seen such a young girl with your ambitions looking for a job instead of going to college." The lady behind the desk says, eyeing me carefully. I found it rather blunt of her to say this. 

I give her a weak smile while awkwardly fiddling with my hands in my lap not knowing how to respond to this. The woman must be around her late 50s. She has her graying hair in a tight bun and her glasses are resting on the top of her nose making her look strict.

"Lets see what we've got for you. You're looking for a job that can support your family, am I correct?" She asks, looking up from the computer into my eyes. I nod.

"Alright." She lets out a soft hum while scrolling through the pages on her computer. Her eyes are narrowed at the screen making me wonder why she didn't wear her glasses properly so she could see.

"What are your interests?" She asks while tapping with her long nails against the desk. I'm amazed by their length.

"Children." I say with a hint of doubt in my voice, I hadn't thought about my interests yet. I've always loved taking care of children so it's the first thing that pops up in my head. She smiles at me.

"Interesting," The lady murmurs, "This is it!" She suddenly cheers giving me a minor heart attack.

"A family nearby is looking for a nanny to spend the summer at their house and take care of the three children. If you're not convinced, the salary might convince you. Per week you get paid 500 pounds." I almost choke on my own spit.

"W-what did you just say?" I stutter in shock, wanting her to repeat the ridiculous amount of money. She nods confirmingly.

Am I dreaming? That could make my dad and I rich. Okay, stop Abigale, that's a bit exaggerated.

"And who is the family if I may ask?" I'm curious. Who would give that amount of money for a nanny? They must be very rich.

"The Malik family." She smiles. I swallow loudly at the mention of that name. I definitely know who they are. They are the richest family of Bradford. They've got a big mansion with the most beautiful garden starring in every garden magazine. I passed their mansion now and then and every time I was impressed all over again.

"Do you want the job?" She asks opening a file to type in my information.

"I'd like to call my dad first." I say silently. She nods towards the phone on her desk getting my hint of not having a phone. We've got a phone at home. We can't afford cellphones.

"Hello?" My dad slurs from the other side of the line. Someone found the alcohol I had hidden...

"Dad, it's me Aby." I say, hoping he'd understand me clearly with all the alcohol running through his veins right now. I shake my head disappointed.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I know he's surprised that I called, because I've never done this before. With that I mean calling him when I needed something. Most of the time I'd call my English teacher Mrs Hartford, she's the nicest woman I've ever met and she was always willing to help. I'd miss her now I've graduated from high school.

"I found a job, but if I take it I'm not gonna be home for 2 months." I say biting on my lip impatiently. I'm sure he won't like the idea of me being away for that long.

"I need you here with me." He states just as I thought he would.

"But dad, if I give you money every week than you can try to take care of yourself for once and I'll try to visit you as much as possible! I promise." I argue back really wanting this job. It's a chance I won't be getting again.

If I want a good future and not end up like my father, then I'll have to go to college. And not only for that reason, I also want to do this for myself. For my selfworth.

I hear him murmur some things to himself, but then he says what I'd never expect. One simple word that would change everything:



Hey loves,

First chapter!!! I hope you liked it eventhough it's a tad short, but see it as a prologue.

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