Chapter 15

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I wake up with a terrible headache. By rubbing my head I hope to ease the pain, but it doesn't work that well. I try to remember what happenend, but my mind is blank.

"Looks like you're finally awake." A voice startles me. I shriek in surprise, but directly regret it when my head starts to pound even harder. I groan realising it's false alarm. Zayn is laying next to me.

"You drank a little too much yesterday." Zayn smirks. I scowl, not finding this funny at all. It feels as if my heart is pumping in my head. What a terrible feeling.

"You passed out yesterday. I brought you home and thought it'd be the best to sleep with you in your room in case you needed something." He explains with a smug face.

Wait a second...

I quickly look under the sheets and I'm not wearing the dress anymore, but some sweatpants and a t-shirt. His sweatpants and t-shirt.

"I swear I didn't look when I changed you. You're still wearing your bra and panties so I didn't see you naked naked." He says. I'm relieved he didn't see me fully naked, but it's still awkward that he had to change me because I couldn't control my drinking. I feel like a baby.

"Thanks, I guess." I say, laying back down on my pillow. "But can you please bring me some Advil. This headache is killing me." I ask while placing the back of my hand against my forehead in agony.

"Sure, I'll be right back." He walks into his bathroom and comes back seconds later with an Advil and a glass of water.

"Thanks." I say, taking them from his hands and drinking the whole glass together with the Advil. Lets hope it works soon, but I doubt it.

"Can you tell me more about yesterday?" I ask, curious about what happenend while fiddling with my hands in my lap.

"Expect for you almost kissing a guy nothing very interesting, for you, may I add, happenend." He says coldly with a roll of his eyes. I slam my hand over my mouth looking up at him in shock.

"I did what?" I ask in disbelief. But now I slowly start to remember the moment he's referring too. Sh*t.

"I'm so sorry." I say crawling over to him. He's leaning against the headboard of his bed.

"It's not your fault, it was the alcohol." He says and I'm glad he isn't mad at me. I sure would be mad if it were the other way around.

I rest my head on his lap while he combs through my hair with his fingers.

"Remind me to never go to parties again." I say cheepishly which makes him laugh.

"I will." He chuckles.

Why did I even have to drink. I'm seriously never gonna enter a club like that again. It does bad things with people like me.

"I've got to do something with Safaa and Waliyha today." I say while still rubbing my head.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks curiously.

"I don't know yet." I reply, trying to come up with some possibilities.

"Well it's now Tuesday and maybe I know something good to do in the weekend." He say smirking.

"And that is?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"You'll see. It's a surprise for all the three of you." He replies and I decide to let it go knowing that argueing won't help a thing and would ruin his surprise eventually.

"Okay, fine. I'm going to see what they're up to." I say while getting out of the bed.

"Wait." He says making me turn around. He's already standing in front of me. That's fast.

"Wha-" His lips cut me off. I kiss him back immediately, but when we hear footsteps we directly pull back and I act like I'm busy doing something while Zayn hides in my bathroom.

We're just in time, because the next moment Safaa opens the door and walks towards me hugging my thigh. I smile and hug her back.

"I'm hungry." She whines giving me puppy eyes and a pout. Oh crap I forgot the cook part.

"Well we can make some food now." I say while going through her hair with my hand. I start to walk towards the door, but she walks away from me going further into my room.

"I like this." She says walking towards some random thing on my bureau. I slowly back off towards the bathroom and open it slightly while she's distracted.

"I'm gonna make sure she doesn't look. You go away." I whisper making sure she doesn't hear it, but still loud enough for Zayn. I walk towards Safaa and hug her from behind making sure she can only see my desk. I hear some soft steps and when they're gone I know he has escaped.

That was a close one.

"Lets eat breakfast." I say happily taking her hand in mine.


After I made breakfast and did the dishes, I find my outfit from yesterday on the floor next to my bed.

My eye falls on a note laying on my bed: "I'm gone for two days - Z". It makes me sad that he didn't come to me to say a proper goodbye, but he must have got a good reason.

I go back downstairs where Safaa and Waliyha are watching tv in the living room.

"So can we go to the water paradise?" Safaa asks with a hopeful look on her face. This could be fun. 

"Okay, tell Waliyha to be ready in ten," I tell her making her smile grow even bigger.

"Yes!" She takes off running towards the stairs to go warn her sister and get ready. I'm gonna help her after I collected my stuff.

I'm just gonna relax in the water paradise, I think. I've never been to a real water paradise, but everyone says it's fun. I'm happy that Advil is starting to work by now. I'll still need some rest though.

Exactly ten minutes later everyone is standing at the door, including James who's gonna drive us there. I'm excited, because of Safaa's excitement. It's contagious.

When we arrive, I'm shocked by how big this place is. I see swimming tubes everywhere and also in every colour. Some of them are really high so those are struck out of my to-do list. I'm afraid of heights.

Safaa literally drags me into the changing rooms wanting to go swim already. She's running and whining about how slow I am.

I decided to wear a blue strapless bikini.

We put our bags in a locker and walk through the showers where you first cleanse yourself before going into the pools. I'm wearing our towels.

Waliyha and I try to avoid those showers nog wanting to be wet already, but Safaa just runs through them as if this was a part of the water paradise. I had to contain her to not swim in the foot wash basin.

I find three free seats in the inside building -where it looks like a tropical island - and Waliyha and I lay down on our lay chairs while Safaa is already swimming and playing. Luckily for me, she's old enough to swim on her own and there are a lot of rescuers also. I'm about to lay down when something, well, someone catches my eye.



Thank you to those who keep supporting me. I love you


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