Chapter 38

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"We're over."

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I run to the nearest door holding my hand over my mouth trying to control the sobs. I slam the bathroom door behind me. With my back against it, I glide down and start sobbing. My head is shaking in my hands while strangled sobs leave my mouth, tears staining my cheeks

I didn't want to break up with him, but I also didn't want to feel that kind of pain again. Why does life hate me so damn much?

A soft knock is heard from the other side and my heart starts beating wildly in my chest. Please, don't be Zayn.

"Abby?" It's Waliyha.

"Yeah?" I answer trying to keep my voice cool but it's clearly hearable that I'm crying. I scrape my throat and repeat myself.

"Are you alright? I can hear you're crying." Without a warning she pushes against the door and than closes it again after she had pushed through the little entrance she created for herself.

"What happened?" She asks while rubbing my back in a soothing way. A sob leaves my mouth again. Something about people wanting to comfort me, makes me cry even more.

"Was it my *sshole of a brother again?" She asks and I feel the urge to defend him, but eventually just nod.

"What did he do now?" She sigh and I swallow loudly.

I told her the story from the beginning which was at the party and ended with this morning. Waliyha didn't interupt me once and I'm grateful for that. When I finish I start sobbing again and she gives me a side-ways hug. "Everything will be alright." She soothes.

I remain silent looking at the floor while tears leave my eyes.

"Mum's coming so maybe you should freshen up a bit." She gently takes my hand and pulls me up.



I comb through my hair one more time while looking at myself in my bathroom mirror. I'm not concerned about what Mrs. Malik thinks of my appereance, but I'll have to face Zayn and I just don't want to look horrible and heart broken. I've got to look like I'm okay.

I hear the doorbell downstairs and freeze. She has arrived already. I quickly run down the hallway and the stairs to see her entering the house. Safaa is hugging her tightly and Waliyha is just coming from the kitchen. The three of them have a group hug and I awkwardly shift onto my other leg, fiddling with my thumbs.

"Abigale." Mrs. Malik nods aknowledging me eventually. I nod back at her with a tight smile.

The tension in the room suddenly increases and I know Zayn had entered it. My head hangs low not wanting to face him, but I figured a quick glance couldn't hurt so I look up and see Doniya next to him.

"Mother." Zayn greets with a nod before giving her a kiss on the cheek. His eyes are on me almost the whole time. The floor suddenly becomes extra interesting again. Mrs. Malik gives Doniya a kiss on the cheek before pointing towards the living room.

"We're going to have a family meeting. Including you, Abigale." She raises her eyebrows and I nod, quickly making my way over towards the room. I sit down on the couch while the others also take their places. Zayn sits on the couch opposite of mine.

Mrs. Malik takes place on a one person couch and I awkwardly cross my legs waiting for her to start talking. I have no clue about what she wants to say.

"First of all..."She turns her attention towards me and a loud gulp is heard by myself. Damn it. "How did you enjoy last night?"

My throat goes dry instantly as I hear my heart beating in my head. "Excuse me?" I try to act normal like I don't know about a thing, but she is smarter than that.

"Honey, didn't you read the letter I gave you in the beginning of the summer?"

"Uh..yes..I read it." I stammer looking at her in confusion.

"Well, what didn't you understand in the sentence 'Make sure they look good because they are followed by paps most of the time.' ?".

I want to correct her and say it isn't the exact same sentence but I wisely hold my mouth shut and look down. "I-"

"It wasn't her fault, I made her go." Zayn defends me. With a surprised look I gaze up at him, he gives me a tight, awkward smile before looking back at his mum who clearly doesn't like what he just did.

"My desicion is made." She announces making me confused. What decision?

"What decision?" Zayn asks as if he just read my mind. A smile tugs at the corners of Mrs. Malik's mouth and I know she had something planned that both Zayn and I weren't going to like.

"Zayn is going with me this year on my business trips. We leave the first of September." She claps her hands together happily and my mouth basically falls to the ground. He will be gone for the whole school year.

But I broke up with him... While I still love him with my whole heart.

I try to act cool and put on my best, fake smile. "Sounds nice." I reply through gritted teeth while looking over at Zayn who had the same shocked expression on his face. Something flashes in his eyes when I say that it was nice. He looks hurt, which makes me feel even worse.

"So, what do you think Zayn?" His mum asks with excitement clear in her voice. Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa are just as shocked as I am, what do you expect, their brother was going to be away for ten months if Zayn agreed.

Say no! Say no! Say no! Something yelled inside me. He couldn't leave me... Eventhough had I already left him.

"Okay." Zayn sighs crushing all the hope that was left inside of me. My eyes become glossy and Mrs. Malik turns her attention to me. 'Act normal' I demand myself as I give her an interested look.

"Abigale, I will be home until school begins so why don't you go home. You deserve these last days of your vacation." She says like I'd be relieved to go home.

"Okay." I nod and stand up smoothing out my shirt.

"No!" Waliyha yells suddenly also standing up. "I don't want her to go." She walks over to me and places her hand around mine.

"Waliyha." Mrs.Malik says sternly. "Summer is almost at it's ending, she still needs to get ready for college."

Oh no, I totally forgot about college and sorting out all the administration that came with it. F*ck. "I really need to go." I say slowly pulling my hand from Waliyha's. I'm getting really anxious. How could I forget this? Will there even be place left for me? I probably ruined all my chances.

Without thinking any further I leave the living room and run up the stairs towards my room. I have to leave right now and get ready. I'll see my dad again. I have to admit that I barely visited him this summer and I'm scared of how he'll react.

"Abigale." I turn around to face the person I least expected to be standing in front of me now.


I am so so so sorry... School started and all and I'm so busy, updates will take longer now eventhough there are only two or so left!!

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