Chapter 30

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I'm sat on the edge of my bed looking at Abigale who's still sleeping peacefully. I can't seem to get rid of the constant smirk on my face. Yesterday was amazing and I finally I can call this girl mine. After all the ups and downs I love her more than ever.

I watch her intensly and I know if she wakes up right now, she'd find this very creepy. Small droplets rest on the skin of her forehead indicating she's sweating. I frown moving my hand up to touch her skin. To my surprise her forehead is burning. 

I slowly shake her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. It doesn't take long before her eyes open and those beautiful brown eyes meet mine.

"I think you're having a fever." I tell her while laying down next to her and putting my arm around her waist. I don't want to pull her to close to me, because she'd only get more hot then. .

"I feel terrible." She murmurs with a hoarse voice, clearly still waking up from her deep slumber. 

"That kissing in the rain wasn't the smartest thing to do." I admit and she nods. 

"I suggest you try to get some more sleep and hopefully you'll feel better after." I tell her while rubbing patterns on her back in a soothing way. I pull down the sheets a bit in an attempt to cool her down a bit.

When I get no answer from her, I look down at her face and see that she's already sleeping again. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment for her. I want her to feel better as soon as possible. 

I quietly climb out of the bed and pick her up bridal style. She shifts a bit and I'm afraid that I've woken her up again, but luckily her eyes stay closed. I walk out of my room and quickly make my way through the kitchen, hallway and up the stairs to lie her down in her own bed. From the bathroom I take a washcloth and wet it to put it on her forehead. I give her a peck on the cheek and leave her room silently after opening the windows but closing the curtains. 

After I called our doctor - who'd come this afternoon - I decide to have some cereal as breakfast. 

While I'm peacefully eating at the kitchen isle, I'm suddenly disturbed by the ringing of the doorbell. I groan and make my way over to the front door. I hope Abigale didn't hear it and woke up. 

I open the door and right in front of me is a person I haven't seen in months. Happiness took over as I engulfed her in a hug, a bright smile present on both our faces.

"I missed you so much, Zayn."


My head is pounding and I feel like I can throw up any moment. I lay back down in my bed while my hands clasp my stomach. Feeling sick is terrible, I wish it'll go away soon. I have the girls to take care of. 

Memories of yesterday come back to me and I smile. He has finally asked me the question I've been wanting him to ask for a few weeks now. As a bonus I've heard his angelic voice which is something I want to hear over and over again if it were possible. 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a giggling coming from outside. I can tell immediately that it isn't Waliyha or Safaa. I get up from under the sheets and walk over to the window while keeping my hands on my stomach. I feel dizzy and nauseous. 

I pull the curtains open and I'm greeted by the bright sun lighting up my room. I let my eyes adjust to the brightness for a moment before I finally look outside. 

In the hammock was Zayn with his arm around a gorgeous purple haired girl. My mouth falls agape as I watch them looking at each other while laughing. What sick romance movie sh*t is this? Jealousy curses through my veins at the seight in front of me. 

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