Chapter 11

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To my surprise Zayn is still home and watching TV when we come back. I decide to start preparing dinner since it's almost time.

When dinner is ready I call for everyone to come. They all arrive very fast and start eating, showing they were very hungry. I look down at my plate the entire time knowing that Zayn was watching me intently.

But why?

After he did like that to me I just gave up. These strange feelings I had, I'm determined to lose again. That shouldn't be too difficult.

"Why isn't Perrie here?" Safaa asks breaking the silence suddenly. Why would she asks this? I thought she didn't even like her.

"We broke up." Zayn answers simply taking another bite from his meal. My eyes widen at his reply.

The new information sinks in slowly. They broke up? That explains it all... I look up and Zayn eyes meet mine. Thinking of it as rather awkward I directly look down again. How long is he planning to keep his staring game going. 

"I'm gonna do the dishes, can I have your plates?" I ask extending my hand for them to give me the plates. Safaa and Waliyha obey and I now turn towards Zayn giving him an annoyed look. "Can I have your plate, please?" I ask politely.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. A smug smile plays on his lips.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm gonna help you."

Is he serious? I'm trying to avoid him, isn't it obvious? I groan inwardly not ready for to awkward moment that's bound to happen.

"Nice try Zayn, but just give me the plate." I say  extending my hand a little further. I'm hoping it's a joke.

"I'm serious." He argues back, now crossing his arms over his chest. I see that as an opportunity and quickly snatch his plate from in front of him.

"Well, I don't need your help." I answer before turning towards the sink. Safaa and Waliyha are watching us silently the whole time, their eyes full of amusement.

"That's your problem. I'm gonna help." He says standing up from his place and coming over to where I am standing.

"Nope." I mimick how he pronounces the word childishly.


"Why can't you just leave me alone? You're always rude and selfish, but suddenly you feel like doing a good deed? I don't understand you Zayn." I exclaim scowling while I'm right in front of him. It surprises me how close we're actually standing. He must have taken a step forward during my rant.

"I think we should leave." Waliyha whispers silently taking Safaa her hand and walking away towards the living room. I give them a short nod, but feel ashamed about them having to do that.

"Why don't you just accept my help?" Zayn challenges pointing towards me emphasizing the you.

"Because I don't need help from a jerk like you. You think kissing a girl and acting like it never happened twice is normal. People have feelings Zayn, we are not like you." I cry out angrily. But I regret the words directly when they leave my lips, knowing I admitted how I feel about him.

"Are you saying you've got feelings for me, Abigale?" He asks with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. He's the biggest a-hole I've ever met.

"N-no." I stammer.

"You just admitted it by stuttering, love." He whispers while taking a lock of my hair in between his fingers and putting it behind my ear. His touch makes me feel a lot of things I shouldn't be feeling. His fingertips linger for a bit longer than necessary on my cheek.

"You look hot when you're nervous." He winks still with that annoying smirk on his face. I scoff crossing my arms over my chest. Why is he being like this?

He starts leaning in, his face slowly nearing mine. Should I let this happen again? I promised myself to not let this happen, so I could take my distance.

But he broke up with Perrie, would that mean I really mean something to him and he sees this as something serious?

It doesn't take long before his lips grazed over mine. I'm still debating what to do, when they're are fully pressed against mine. After finishing the debate with myself I kissed him back thinking that a last kiss wouldn't hurt. He cups my cheeks in his hands pulling me in closer. My hand are laying against his chest. His tongue slips over my under lip trying to get entrance. I part my lips slightly getting quite turned on by his actions. Our tongues meet each other making me ache for more.

"Jump." Zayn murmurs laying his hands on my hips. I decide to obey as I jumped, not caring about anything right now. The only thing counting is him and I.

His hands cup my butt and I place my legs around his waist making it easier for him. He starts walking to God knows where. When I hear a door open and feel us going down a flight of stairs, I know we're going into his hall in the cellar.

It surprises me that he could carry me this long, I'm not that light. Another door is being opened and a second later my back comes in touch with a soft material. A bed. Zayn pulls back so we both could catch our breaths as he crawls above me.

He starts kissing my neck and I moan at the heavenly feeling. Hearing myself moan under his touch makes me rethink about the situation. Is this going somewhere I wouldn't want us to go?

"Z-zayn," Moan. "We shouldn't be doing this." I whisper while slightly pushing against his chest indicating he should get off of me.

"What? Why?" He asks in confusion looking down into my eyes. Arousal makes him looks even more hot.

I can't just be like: "I'm still a virgin" or "Hey Zayn, we just met, I'm not dropping my panties this fast."

"I just can't." I answer now sitting up. I leave the bed, now walking towards the door.

"You're such a bitch." Zayn groans looking clearly annoyed that I disturbed his play moment. He makes me feel so happy and sad at the same time. Is he bipolar?

"Well fuck you too!" I answer beford running away from his room. Why is he doing things this to me? I know I've got some feelings for him, but why couldn't I really hate him? Something in me says I should ignore him, but I know I can't.

I'm in love with Zayn Malik and there's nothing I can do about it.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now