Chapter 37

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"Britney?!" I exclaimed. My body shot up from under the sheets and within seconds I stood next to him at the other side of the bed. In a swift movement my hand slapped his cheek.

The saying kept replaying in my head as I ran out the room. I knew he was intoxicated by whatever he took but somehow it broke my hearts hearing him say those words.

This time Zayn didn't follow yet called me back.

He doesn't care, stupid girl.

"Yes, he does." I muttered while running up the stairs. How pathetic am I? Talking to myself and crying over a boy who always manages to somehow break my heart. Okay, maybe I was overreacting, but he just called me Britney, the girl he was dry-humping at Julian's an hour ago.

I fell onto my bed crying softly. Tomorrow Mrs. Malik will be here and I was definitely not ready for this. Why did I accept this job? I could have avoided so much drama... why always me?

With my head burried in my pillow I managed to fall asleep after half an hour of crying.


"Abigale?" Someone shook my shoulder slightly. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to see Doniya. Then all the memories of yesterday came back.

Tears pricked my eyes once again as I looked up at her.

She gasped. "Oh my God, Abby, what happened?" She asked and I wondered how she knew. Confusion crossed my face and she noticed.

"Your make up is smeared over you face, dried tear stains on your cheeks, what did he do?" She pointed out and ended the question in an angry tone.

"H-he..." I wasn't able to form a decent question. Facing Mrs. Malik like this would -Mrs Malik!

"Has she arrived yet?" I jumped out of the bed, breath ragged and uneven. My vision became blurry and...


Everything went black.


Doniya was just in time to catch Abigale before she collided with the ground. She laid the numb body down on the floor.

"Abby?" She shook the body violently. "Abby?"

Doniya was too much in schock to even figure out what she had to do. In school she had learnt about it, but in this situation it was the last thing she thought about it.

The cause of Abigale fainting was a mixture of tiredness, standing up too fast and overwhelming emotions caused by Zayn. A girl who never experienced love before was hit by it like a tornado. Too much to handle, even for such a strong girl. It had his limit.

Doniya's mind got clearer and she remembered some things from class. Well, only one thing.

Without further thinking she slapped Abigale's cheek. The body stirred at the contact.

"Abigale?" She asked hopefully.

"Doniya?" A sigh of relief escaped.

"You scared the shit out of me." Doniya smiled slightly being relieved.

"Sorry." Abigale muttered. With a roll of her eyes Doniya engulfed her close friend. While Abigale cupped her hurting cheek, without knowing why it hurted and she hugged Doniya back.

"My mum arrives in two hours. We've got enough time so first of all tell me what happened."

"Fine." Abigale told Doniya the whole story, starting at the party and ending with the slap in his face. Abigale knew that the slap she gave Zayn didn't hurt as much as all the slaps she had received by Zayn's actions this vacation.

Whilest Doniya thought about many ways to kill her brother, Zayn himself woke up with a terrible headache.

He groaned and patted the place next to him searching for his girl. Suddenly little parts from yesterday flew into his head.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Britney."

"Fuck!" Zayn screamed. He knew that this time he crossed the line. The scar he made on her heart this time wouldn't heal again.

He wanted to find her and apologize but he figured out she needed space...for now.

He didn't remember much about the party yesterday but it wasn't hard to guess. Someone slipped drugs in his drink and that someone was Britney. His jealous ex-girlfriend.

Britney and Zayn were together for two months. For him it was just a fling, she was good in bed so why not? For her it meant so much more, she would do everything for Zayn and he knew that. Britney was nothing like Rose or Abigale... She was his doll, toy even.

At the party when Britney saw how Zayn was with Abigale, how gentle and sweet, her jealousy took over. Zayn had never been like that with her. The pain she felt was unbearable. She still loved him, her Zayn.

So she did the first thing coming to mind... she drugged him knowing what effect it had. She poured the content in his drink hoping that he'd take her back. How stupid of her.

Zayn shook in anger. Because of that jealous bitch he had lost his Abigale. Without realizing it Zayn picked up the lamp on his bedside table and threw it across the room.

The glass shattered in thousand pieces just like his heart. He knew that this time she wouldn't forgive him. This was the end.

Currently it was 2pm. Both Abigale and Zayn had woken up late because of the alcohol in their system. Mrs. Malik would arrive in two hours which good news like she said herself.

But that good news would be anything but good.

Zayn silently walked up the stairs that lead to the kitchen. He childishly peeked trough the door lock not wanting to run into Abigale.

Don't understand him wrong, he loves her to bits, but she needed her space and he wanted to give that to her. The coast was clear and he quickly gathered some breakfast to eat in his room.

Luck wasn't on anyone's side today as Abigale casually walked into the kitchen but froze when she saw his body bending down to have a better look in the fridge.

"Run!" Her mind screamed but she couldn't.

"Abigale?" The surprise in Zayn's voice was evident at the sight of her standing there. A sparkle of hope arised in the pit of his stomach but it was gone as fast as it came.

"What do you wish for breakfast?" Abigale her voice was monotone. Her firmly words ripped at his heart. He now noticed she wasn't wearing his shirt anymore, but what did he expect?

"Abby-" He took a stride forwards ready to apologize.

"Looks like you don't need me." The words had a double meaning and they both knew it.

"She drugged me." Zayn yelled desperately. Abigale stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around, looking at the ground. She knew that looking in his pleading eyes would make her give in.

"What a pathetic excuse." And with that she left the kitchen. "We're over." Were the last words he heard before a door slammed shut.


I'm afraid to see the comments! Don't kill me please... There are only a few chapters left for the story.... Oops.

Much love from me that you guys will not return haha x

PS: Keep in mind that I wrote this when I was fourteen so I didn't know how relationships worked at all lol, just thought drama was a daily thing ((to be honest in my relationship now I'm also quite the dramatic bitch oops)

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